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#1 Fan Page 13

  “Screw them,” Sara shouted. Her outburst took Evan by surprise. “Evan, I’ve known you for only a few short weeks, and even I know how important this is for you.”

  “I wish they could.”

  “They will. Maybe not now, but eventually they will.”

  “Yeah when I make it big and they see all the money rolling in. By then it’ll be too late. I’ll be gone and they won’t have a chance to hone in on my money.”

  “Gone? Gone where?”

  “Anywhere but here. I don’t care where I move to as long as I have you by my side and we don’t have to deal with my parents.”

  “We? You think about us living together?”

  “I know it’s fast, but there’s something special about you. I hate when we have to leave each other, I miss you when we’re apart, and you’re the last person I think of before I go to sleep and the first person I think of when I wake up.”

  Sara moved closer to Evan. He could feel her fingers curl around his. “Come on; let’s go.”

  “Go where?”

  Her lips brushed against his cheek, finding his earlobe. “I want to show you what you have to look forward to every night when we live together.”

  Evan felt her teeth nip at his earlobe. It sent a shiver through his body. He dropped her hand and wrapped it around Sara’s tight fitting jeans. He leaned in, forcefully kissing her. Their tongues danced together within the seal of their lips. His growing bulge pressed against Sara’s body causing her to let out a whimper.

  Sara broke away from the kiss momentarily, gasping to catch her breath. “I think we should take this upstairs.” It took a second for Evan to register the notion before he scooped Sara into his arms and hurried to the stairs. “I’ll take that as a yes,” she squealed.

  They ascended the stairs together with Evan leading the way to his room. He pushed the door open. The hallway gave them just enough light to see the path to the bed. He took Sara by the hand, guided her into the room and closed the door.

  Evan circled behind Sara. His fingers gripped the belt loops, pulling her into his body. His hardness poked her from behind as his lips left a trail of kisses down the back of Sara’s neck.

  Sara let out a brief moan as her body started to grind against Evan. “What about your parents?”

  “They’re out for the night.” His hands traveled up Sara’s shirt, pushing them under her bra, and cupped her breasts. His onslaught of kisses increased their need for each other.

  Suddenly, Sara yanked Evan’s hands out from her shirt. She spun on her heel and grabbed a handful of Evan’s shirt. “I want you.”

  Evan crushed his lips against Sara’s as he fumbled with the button and zipper of her pants. He guided her to the bed, gently laying her down against the pillows. He leaned in, placing his mouth on hers. He could still taste the strawberry lip gloss she applied earlier.

  “Evan,” Sara moaned. He looked at her, wondering if he did something wrong or what caused her to stop. He felt her hands feel his smooth skin as they traveled up his shirt. “I don’t think we need this.” She tugged on his shirt for emphasis.

  He lifted his shirt over his head. He could feel movement underneath him. When he looked down, Sara dangled a black strapless bra from two of her fingers. Feeling her inch towards the center of the bed, Evan dropped to his left, pulling Sara closer to his body. Lying there, face to face, with the moonlight breaking through the curtains. There was nothing that would pull Evan away from her.

  He brought a hand up, cupping the side of Sara’s face. “You are the most amazing woman I ever met. How the hell did I get so lucky?”

  “Because you’re a great guy and very talented.”

  Evan let out a chuckle. “Let me show you how talented I am.”

  “That was so corny. It sounds like it came from a porno.”

  “That doesn’t mean it’s not true.” He pulled the comforter over his head His hands groped Sara’s legs as he struggled with her pants.

  “Evan,” she giggled. “What are you doing?”

  He wrestled her the tight denim down her thighs while leaving a trail of heated kisses along her stomach and waist. He moved her panties aside, dipping a finger into her wetness. His finger gently stroked her, feeling the nub as it begged to be touched.

  “Tell me what you want,” Evan commanded.

  “I-I want you,” Sara gasped.

  Those words were magic to Evan. He wanted to show Sara how much he loved her, how much he cared. He quickened his pace, moving his finger faster while listening to Sara’s breathing. His lips worked their way higher, pushing the shirt up. His free hand cupped Sara’s breast, brushing his thumb over her hardened nipple. Her body arched with delight.

  Evan savored the look on Sara’s face as he leaned forward. His tongue snaked out, teasing the tip of her nipple. He listened to her moans break the silence of his bedroom. He was content with watching her all night, bringing her to the edge and back with just a finger, but the tightness in his pants could not be ignored. He tried to adjust, but found Sara’s hand stopping him.

  “Let me.” The palm of her hand pressed firmly against the front of Evan’s pants. Every time his finger massaged her nub, Sara’s hand rubbed harder.

  “Baby,” Evan’s body shuddered as Sara pulled down the zipper. His hardness sprung to life as it emerged from its confinement. Sara’s hand gripped Evan’s shaft, stroking it slow and rough. At the rate they were going, he didn’t know who would finish first. “Baby, let me,” she pleaded. The pressure was building within them. The fire burning passion inside them, begged to be released.

  Evan withdrew first and pushed Sara’s hands away. She tried to sit up, but Evan dropped to the bed, throwing the comforter aside. He inched back, grabbing Sara’s jeans with both hands. He yanked them down, feeling resistance from the skin tight fabric. Once they were to her ankles, he unbuttoned his pants, and let both fall to the floor.

  He placed Sara’s legs on his left shoulder. The smooth skin felt cool against his heated flesh. His fingers pried at the lacy material, slowly guiding it back until it dangled on a toe. He donned a wolfish grin as he slid into her. Sara’s body tensed as Evan entered her, but quickly relaxed. He began at a slow pace, wanting to enjoy being in her for as long as he could.

  “Faster…Harder,” Sara whispered. Evan heard her every word and followed her directions. His hands rested on the pillows surrounding Sara’s head. His fingers gripped them as his body slammed against hers. He could feel her walls wrap on him and release without warning.

  Evan quickened his pace, feeling Sara’s feet bounce up and down on his shoulders. Her eyes told him she was close. Her breathless whispers urged him on until he thrusted one last time. He lingered for a moment before collapsing onto the bed next to Sara. He cradled his arm around her neck and kissed the top of her forehead.

  Evan’s heart pumped harder than it had during Theo’s workout, but it didn’t matter how out of breath he was. Sara was everything he wanted, and she was his. “I love you,” he whispered as they passed out in each other’s arms.

  Chapter 18-Sara

  Sara woke to the odd feeling she was being watched. She tilted her head to see Evan. His eyes were closed, but his lips had the unmistakable remnant of the satisfied smirk he fell asleep with. She placed a hand on his cheek, feeling the stubble brush roughly against her palm. Waking up next to him was an indescribable feeling. It just felt right.

  There was no use going back to sleep. Once she woke, her mind wandered to what would happen next. What would happen once Evan went on tour? Would he remain faithful? What would happen when he came back from the tour? Would they pick up where they left off, or would too much have changed in such a short time? But then her mind thought about the previous night.

  He loves me. He told me he loves me. Then the thought hit her that she said it as well. Love was not something she took lightly. In fact, she never said it to any guy she ever dated until last night. Evan saying it so soon took her by surpr
ise. She didn’t know how to respond. Before she knew what came over her, she sprung into his arms, pummeling him with kisses. Then the words slipped out. “I love you too.” She never expected to say it, but meant every word.

  The more she thought about it and what it meant to their future, the more restless she became. The chance for sleep eluded her, leaving her in silence staring into the face of the man she declared her love for.

  Five minutes in silence didn’t help the eerie feeling of someone watching her. She couldn’t turn around since she was still locked in Evan’s arms, but needed to ensure it wasn’t his mother or father walking around the house. She slowly wiggled out from his loving embrace. The room was drastically lighter than she remembered last night. All they had was the light from the moon peaking in through the curtains. She never noticed the room was filled with boxes lining the walls and the black garbage bags filled with clothes.

  “Don’t worry,” a woman’s said from the doorway. “We’re getting his room ready to move him into an apartment.”

  Sara snapped her head towards the door, holding the sheet in front of her naked body. The woman standing there had long brown hair and a beautifully rounded face. She wore a blazer to look professional, but it didn’t hide the black tank top she wore underneath it.

  “Who the hell are you, and why are you here?”

  The woman smiled. “You must not remember me. We met briefly last night. I’m Audrey, Evan’s publicist.” She stepped forward and extended her hand. Sara refused to accept it, knowing full well the bed sheet would drop and expose herself. “Based on the look of things, I’d say you two made up last night.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “I’m here for Evan.” She paused to let her words sink into Sara’s head. “It’s his workout day, and we really need to get going.”

  Sara’s free hand rested on Evan’s chest. Shaking him gently, encouraging him to wake up. He let out a grunt before turning to his side and buried his face in a pillow.

  Sara dropped to the bed. Her lips were inches from Evan’s ears. “Evan. Evan, wake up.”

  “Here, allow me,” Audrey replied as she snapped her fingers. The door opened again. This time a large muscular man entered behind Audrey. He was dressed in a shorts, and a gray tank top that looked like it was purchased at Baby Gap. The straps for the shirt did nothing to hide the man’s bulging pecks.

  The man moved closer to the bed. His hands gripped the comforter and the sheet, fully intending to rip it away from Evan and Sara.

  “Get the hell away from us,” Sara shrieked, startling Evan. She watched as Evan scrambled to sit up in bed, doing his best to protect Sara.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Waking you up. You have training today.”

  “Obviously, you see there’s someone in bed with me.”

  “And she tried to wake you up as well, but had no success.” Audrey stood with one arm crossed in front of her chest with the other leaning on it. Her index finger drummed against her chin. “I just figured you needed some extra help getting ready.”

  “Well, I don’t,” Evan snapped. “Neither of us do. So, I suggest both you and Theo get the hell out of my room.”

  “Fine, but I expect you downstairs in ten minutes.”

  Sara watched as Audrey and the muscle bound man named Theo exit the room. Once the door closed, Sara raced to pick up her clothes from the floor.

  “You mind telling me what the hell that was about?”

  “Sorry, I forgot to tell you about that. Theo is my personal trainer. He comes here with Audrey every other day to bring me down to the gym to work out.”

  “And they just barge into your room like that and rip the covers off of you?” She watched for him to deny it, but he nodded his head in agreement. “Why? Why the hell do you put up with this crap?”

  “I told you, if I don’t, then the tour is off.”

  “So what if it gets called off. You’re acting like there will never be another book tour.”

  “There might not be.” Evan’s head dropped low as he let out a deep sigh. “This is my one chance to make it big. I don’t want to deal with either of them, but if I have to do it for now, I will. It’s a small price to pay for reaching my goal.”

  Sara sat on the bed wearing the shirt along with the matching bra and panty set. “If this is what you really want, I’ll stand by you no matter what. But don’t let them walk all over you like that either.” She glanced around the bedroom. “Did you know about this?” She pointed to the boxes lining the walls.

  “I knew Audrey was looking to move me out of my parent’s house, but no, I didn’t know they started packing up my room.”

  “I think you need to contact your agent and tell him what’s going on. You need to set up some sort of boundaries with Audrey.”

  “I doubt that’ll work, but I’ll give it a shot.”

  “Good, now we just need to get dressed before those two come barging back in here.” Evan was halfway dressed by the time the door opened. Sara had the tight fitting jeans pulled up to her knees.

  Theo smirked as he saw the guilty and embarrassed look on Sara’s face. “You seem a little stuck. You need some help?”

  Sara sat down on the bed and covered herself with the comforter. “No, I need you to get out so I can finish getting dressed.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows at her as if her words were some sort of foreplay to him. He turned his head towards Evan. “Audrey sent me up here to make sure you were ready.”

  “I’ll be down in a minute,” Evan replied. Theo stole one last glance at Sara before exiting the room.

  Sara caught him gawking at her. Seeing his eyes staring at her legs, trying to catch a glimpse of what the bottom of her shirt was hiding, sent a cold shiver down her body.

  “That guy gives me the creeps.”

  Sara felt Evan put his arm around her shoulder. “Don’t worry about him. I’ll talk to Audrey about it and make sure he doesn’t break into our bedroom again.

  Sara smiled at him. “Our bedroom?”

  “Well, yeah. Since I’ll be moving out, I thought you might spend a little more time at my place.”

  “Do you know where the apartment is?”

  “Nope, not a clue yet. But I’m sure Audrey will fill me in later. I mean, she needs to explain why my room is half packed.”

  Sara jumped to her feet and pulled tightly on the jeans. They rose to her hips. She bent down and kissed the corner of Evan’s lips. “I should probably call Julie and find out where she is.”

  “Yeah, I should probably go downstairs anyway. Maybe that’ll shut those two up.” Evan finished getting ready for the gym while Sara texted Julie.

  S: Hey where are you?

  J: In my car. Why?

  S: Need you to come get me.

  J: Uh oh what’d he do this time?

  S: Nothing, his publicist and personal trainer showed up unexpectedly. I need to get out of here ASAP.

  J: Sounds like an interesting story. I want details.

  S: Fine, just hurry your ass up.

  Sara hid the phone in her bag as Evan approached. “Hey, I gotta get going. You can hang out here if you want.”

  That was not the idea Sara had. If she stayed, she knew it would only be a matter of time before Evan’s mother showed up or the movers.

  “No, it’s okay. Julie’s on her way to pick me up.”

  “Are you two staying in town or heading back?”

  Sara desperately wanted to stay and spend more time with Evan, but she knew it wouldn’t be a good idea.

  “We’re probably going to drive around for a while and head back later today.” There was a look of defeat in Evan’s eyes which made Sara feel bad about texting Julie. “Text me when you’re done. If we’re still in town, we can meet up for dinner or something.”

  Evan tried to force a smile as he opened the door and walked into the hall. He jumped back instantly as a tall boney woman nearly collided with him.

>   “Where the hell are you going,” the woman asked.

  “I’m going to the gym.”

  “You’re still doing that, huh? Your father and I hoped you would’ve changed your mind by now.” Sara could see the woman squinting at her. Evan must have saw it too. He purposely moved over to ensure the woman couldn’t see into the room. “Who’s in there with you?”

  “Don’t you have someone else to bother?”

  “Don’t you take that tone with me.” Sara watched as the woman pushed Evan aside and stared into his bedroom. Sara locked eyes with the woman she assumed was Evan’s mother. “And who is this?”

  Sara decided it was best to face Evan’s mother head on. She extended her hand. “Hi, I’m Sara, Evan’s girlfriend.” She watched as Mrs. Taylor rendered her decision about her.

  “You’re dating my son? My son, the screw up; the dreamer?”

  Sara didn’t know how to respond. She wanted Mrs. Taylor to like her, but she didn’t like her putting her boyfriend down. “I’m dating Evan,” she replied.

  “Well,” Mrs. Taylor said, letting a brief moment pass before continuing. “It looks like my son, isn’t as big of a screw-up as I thought. He must’ve done something right to find a beautiful woman like you.” Her eyes narrowed at Evan, but returned lovingly toward Sara. “So, how did you and my son meet?”

  “We met in Jersey while Evan was doing his book tour.” She heard Mrs. Taylor scoff at the mention of a book tour, but decided it was best to ignore it. “I saw him at a club the night before his first book signing. I thought he looked familiar, and decided to get to know him a bit more. The next day I was on line to get my book signed. He remembered me from the night before, and we’ve been dating ever since.”