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Page 14

  Mrs. Taylor’s pursed lips made Sara think the story wasn’t good enough or that she was after their money. Instead, Mrs. Taylor smiled. “Sounds like you kids had a good time. Hopefully, we’ll get to see more of each other.”

  Whew, that was a relief. Inside, Sara’s fisted punched the air in triumph. She won the opening round against Evan’s big bad mother, at least that’s what it seemed like to her.

  “Come on Sara,” Evan urged. “We need to get going.”

  “Go? Sweetie she doesn’t have to go anywhere.” Sara wondered where Mrs. Taylor was steering the conversation.

  “She’s meeting up with her friend and they’re probably heading back to Jersey tonight.”

  “Oh no, you can’t leave. You haven’t met Evan’s father or brother yet.” The silence in the room was deafening. Mrs. Taylor wanted Sara to stick around longer and meet the rest of the family.

  Sara didn’t know if that was a good idea, or if that was something Evan wanted her to do. “I don’t know. It’s a long drive back to Jersey and…”

  “Nonsense. I want you to meet the rest of the family.” Mrs. Taylor’s eyes lit up. “I know, invite your friend over for dinner tonight.”

  “Oh no, I couldn’t impose.”

  “It’s no imposition. Our family would love to meet you, and I would love to get to know you better.”

  There was no escaping the inevitable. It was only a matter of time before she would have to meet the rest of the Taylor Family. She just didn’t think it would be that night.

  “It sounds great, but I’ll have to check with my friend Julie first. She’s my ride and I don’t know when she needs to get home by.”

  “Perfect, I’ll call my husband and Evan’s brother to let them know. We usually eat at six thirty sharp.”

  Sara could read the expression on Evan’s face. “Okay, Mrs. Taylor. I’ll see you then.” She felt Evan grab her by the hand and lead her down the stairs.

  “You don’t have to do this,” Evan spat.

  “I know, but it was bound to happen.”

  “Not once I moved out.”

  “They’re your family. You can’t avoid them forever.”

  “Watch me. Once I’m out of here, I’m never looking back.”

  Sara watched him walk out the front door, meeting with Audrey and the muscle bound Theo. She leaned on the side of the porch, watching Evan and his team pull out of the driveway. Sara thought more about Evan’s parting words. “Once I’m out, I’m never looking back.” She wondered would she be placed in with his past, or would she be his future.

  Several minutes after Evan left, another car pulled up. Sara noticed it was Julie’s and was happy to see her best friend. She did her best to hurry down the driveway without falling in the four inch heels. With the car door opened, she flung herself into the passenger seat.

  “What’s gotten into you,” Julie asked.

  Sara merely shook her head. “Girl, this has been the morning from hell, and it’s just getting started.”

  “Uh oh, is this gonna need coffee or drinks?”

  “Maybe a little of both. For now, let’s just get some coffee and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  Chapter 19-Evan

  Spending the day at the gym was never Evan’s idea of fun. The sweaty men, angrily grunting to draw attention to their showing of strength by lifting more than they should. He never wanted to be like one of those men, let alone be trained by one.

  Evan opened the gym door, letting the smell of day old sweat fill his nostrils. Bile rose in his throat, doubling him over. A heavy pat on the back straightened his body, while Theo guided him to the reception desk.

  “Okay Evan,” Theo began. “Today, we’re going light on the cardio.” Evan nearly jumped for joy, believing he would actually have an easy workout day. “Let’s warm-up on the elliptical for about ten minutes before hitting the weights.”

  Hitting the weights? What the hell happened to going light today? Evan grinded his teeth, knowing he wasn’t allowed to complain with Audrey nearby. He glanced to his left. Audrey was only a few feet away tapping the screen on her phone vigorously. He knew arguing would be pointless, and decided to just do as he was told.

  It didn’t take long for Evan’s mind to drift away from his workout and daydream about Sara. She was like a drug he was addicted to, and he didn’t want to give her up. Seeing Sara, strengthened his desire to see her more, maybe find a way to make it something more permanent.

  Evan continued the workout, completing each task without a single complaint. He could hear Theo’s instructions for each weight machine and his words of encouragement, but none of it penetrated his mind. The only person that mattered to him was Sara, and she was his motivation to get through the enduring workout.

  An hour into the routine, Audrey casually strolled over to Theo. “I need to speak to Evan for a few minutes.”

  He let out a half smile before nodding. “We’re going to take a few minutes for a breather, Evan.” He turned to face Audrey with annoyed expression. “He’s all yours.”

  Evan could sense the tension between Audrey and Theo. He didn’t understand what changed since they showed up at his house. It didn’t matter much to him. It was a momentary break from the intense training. Only after he patted himself down with a dry red towel, did he realize how sore his muscles had become.

  “Evan, I just got a call on a great apartment for you. It’s in Nassau County, so it’s not too far from home, and it’ll put you closer to the city.”

  “How close?”

  “To the city? It shouldn’t take you more than a half hour by train, maybe a little longer in traffic if you drive there.”

  “No, how close is it to my parents? If I’m getting my own place, I wanna be far away from them.”

  “How does New Hyde Park sound?”

  “It sounds good to me. When do I move in?”

  “Would you like to look at it first?”

  Evan was amused by Audrey’s hesitation. She was always the one in full control, and made it known she was. For some reason, agreeing to the apartment on Evan’s behalf caused her to second guess herself.

  “What do you think about it?”

  “I think it’s a gorgeous apartment, and the cost for rent isn’t as bad as some of the others I came across in that area.”

  “I trust your judgement, but I need to know I’m not getting locked into a lease for a place I can’t afford.”

  “Say no more,” Audrey said. The predatory stare of a hungry negotiator returned. “I’ll sit down with the landlord and get you the best deal I can on the apartment.” Audrey spun on her heel and glanced over her shoulder. “Make sure you keep that phone nearby.” She strutted away, shaking her ass with every step.

  Evan couldn’t help but look that was until Theo marched towards him. “What was that about?”

  “Nothing, Audrey’s just trying to help me get an apartment.” Evan heard Theo mumbling something under his breath before barking out more orders for the workout. Whatever was bothering Theo, he planned on taking it out on Evan at the gym.

  An hour later, Evan was heading to the locker room to take a fifteen-minute break. In reality, it was his way of getting away from Theo. He sat on a thin wooden bench, away from anyone else to check his cell phone. There was one missed call from Audrey and an accompanying text message.

  A: I talked them into $2,000 a month including utilities. You have to pay the cable though. Do you want the apartment?

  Evan needed to decide quickly. As far as he knew, the place could’ve been a hole in the wall with small closets, a tiny bedroom and a kitchen that would even make the Keebler Elves feel claustrophobic. It was a fear he would need to face, but in that moment a decision needed to be made.

  E: If you think this place is worth it, then I’ll take it.

  A: Great! I’ll get started on the paperwork.

  E: When can I see the place?

  A: I’ll arrange for the car to pick you guys up. It’
ll drop Theo off first and then take you home to shower and change. When you’re ready, it’ll bring you here so we can finalize everything.

  E: What about my workout session?

  A: Don’t worry; I’ll let Theo know you’re done for the day.

  There was a satisfied look on Evan’s face, as if he pulled one over on Audrey and Theo. He was ready to go back out to the gym floor and watch as Theo’s phone signaled the end of the workout. Once he stood, pain surged through his body, forcing him to collapse on the bench.

  “Yo Evan, you in here?” Theo’s voice echoed in the locker room. It was the first time Evan was happy to hear from him.

  “I’m back here. I need help!”

  Theo came running to the back of the locker room, finding Evan desperately trying to claw his way onto the bench. “What the hell happened to you?”

  “It hurts too much to move.” For a moment, Evan thought Theo was going to leave him there, somehow punishing him for getting Audrey to call off the workout session. Then Theo bent down and grabbed Evan’s hand. “I guess we overdid it today.”

  You think? Evan considered saying it out loud, but he wasn’t in the best position to piss off his personal trainer. “Yeah, just a little. Can you help me up?”

  Theo helped Evan to his feet and let him lean against his body for support. “I guess it’s a good thing Audrey just called.”

  “Really,” Evan asked, doing his best to play dumb.

  “She’s sending the car to pick us up. Said she wants you to get ready so you can sign off on the lease for an apartment.”

  Great, but how am I supposed to get around like this?

  The ink barely dried on the lease for the apartment in New Hyde Park when Evan arrived at his parent’s house. Knowing he would be moving out of his childhood home for good was an indescribable feeling of excitement. It was enough to block out the pain from his earlier workout while he hurried up the path. The large bay windows illuminated the front lawn with golden lights.

  Shit, the dinner. He walked at a brisk pace towards the front door. He couldn’t bear the thought of Sara and Julie being forced to endure a night with his parents, but to do it without him was like sentencing them to death.

  Evan hurried inside the house. There was an eerie silence filling the air, a silence he broke with his frantic calls of “Hello.”

  The door to the dining room opened. The stick with long frizzy black hair stood there with an expression of complete annoyance etched in the wrinkles of her skin.

  “What the hell’s with all the shouting?” Mrs. Taylor looked past Evan to the door, searching around the front of the house. “Where is she?”


  “Your girlfriend, Sara. Where is she?”

  “I don’t know. I was out all day. I figured she was with you.”

  Mrs. Taylor’s cheeks turned red with frustration. “What do you mean you don’t know? She’s your girlfriend. You should know where she is at all times, especially a woman that’s well out of your league.”

  “I don’t need to keep tabs on her mom. She’s a grown ass woman. She can do whatever the hell she wants. I trust her.”

  Mrs. Taylor scoffed at the last statement, causing Evan to have a moment of self-doubt. “You need to call her and find out where she is. I’ve been cooking all day to prepare this dinner.”

  “You...cooked….all day? You mean you hired someone to cook all day for you; right?”

  “No, I did everything myself.”

  Evan placed his hand over his heart, purposely over dramatizing his sarcasm. “You mean you actually cooked? I think that’s the first time in about ten years you’ve done that.”

  She pointed her bony crooked finger at him. “Watch your mouth and find out where your girlfriend is.” Mrs. Taylor stormed back through the dining room door, letting it swing closed behind her.

  Evan didn’t think Sara wanted to hang around after the morning she had. Hell, he didn’t think she would pick up the phone if he called her, but it was something he had to do.

  The phone rang several times before Sara answered. “Evan,” she said in a surprised tone. “What’s up?”

  “I just got home, and was wondering where you were.”

  “I’m out with Julie.”

  “Are you still coming over to my parent’s house for dinner? My mother is driving me nuts demanding to know where you are.”

  “Evan, I’m so sorry.” That was not what he was hoping for. Hearing that made it sound like she was already back in Jersey, which meant he was in for a rough night at the Taylor house. “We didn’t really know where to go.”

  “So you went back to Jersey; I get it.” There was nothing but disappointment in his voice.

  There was a slight pause from Sara before she spoke. “Um, actually…we didn’t. We’re still driving around Long Island.”

  “Really? Where are you?”

  “Evan, this morning was intense. I don’t know if I can handle meeting the rest of your family right now.”

  “Fuck them! I don’t care if they like you, don’t like you, or if we even have dinner with them tonight. I just want to see you.”

  “Okay, we’ll come over for a bit.”

  Evan noticed the call ended, and was surprised Sara would hang up on him without saying goodbye. It was obvious she didn’t want to be there for dinner. He couldn’t blame her. Hell, he didn’t even want to be there. He was hoping within the next few days, he would never have to be in that house again.

  Evan took a seat in the living room, hoping to hide from his mother’s wrath. Her voice carried from the dining room, shouting about inconsiderate people were, before turning her focus on Evan’s brother and Mr. Taylor. The dining room door opened and shut several times, but no one entered the living room. It was as if whoever was checking to see if anyone was there, but found no one.

  Not wanting to take any more chances, Evan crept towards the front door, opened it wide enough for his body to slide through and closed the door without making a sound. He was nearly home free when the pair of headlights hit the house. Knowing it could only be Julie and Sara, he hurried towards the car.

  The passenger door opened, but Evan grabbed it and dropped down next to Sara. He quickly surprised her with a quick peck on the lips.

  “That was a nice hello,” Julie joked

  Evan glared at her. “How about we get the hell out of here before anyone notices you’re here.”

  “What do you mean,” Sara asked. “I thought you wanted us here for dinner.”

  “My mother is already in a mood and taking it out my brother and father. I don’t think it’s smart for us to stay.” Evan saw the look in Sara’s eyes. She was hurt. She believed she was the reason for his mother’s behavior, and they both knew it was the truth. “How about we go out, get some dinner, and have a drink or two?”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” Julie shouted as she turned the headlights back on. “Hop in and let’s go.”

  Evan opened the rear passenger side door and looked back at the house one last time. He could see movement by one of the living room windows. “Shit, someone’s coming.” He slid into the backseat of the car just as the front door opened. Mrs. Taylor shouted something at the car as Julie pulled out of the driveway.

  “So where are we going?”

  “Let’s get back to Sunrise Highway and I can figure out something from there.” He looked back to make sure his mother didn’t have his brother or father following them. It was a bit extreme, but then again, so was his mother.

  They drove deeper into Sayville, pulling into a parking lot off of Main Street. More than half the lot was full, helping to conceal Julie’s car.

  “What the hell is this place,” Julie asked.

  “It’s one of the best restaurants around here. Butera’s serves a little bit of everything, but it’s mostly family style.”

  “Good, I’m starving.”

  Evan led the way to the door and held it open for the girls. They
were greeted instantly and escorted towards an empty, glossy, cherry wood table.

  “So what happened back at the house,” Sara inquired.

  “I don’t know. I got home from checking out the apartment and my mother was freaking out wondering why you weren’t with me. Seemed to think I should know where you were at all times.”

  “That’s a bit controlling; don’t ya think,” Julie said.

  “Exactly. I’m not like that.” Evan grabbed Sara’s hands and looked deeply into her eyes. “I trust you.”

  “Why did she think you needed to know where I was?”

  “She basically told me you were out of my league.”

  “You got that right,” Julie snapped. Both Evan and Sara stared in her direction as Julie tried to hide behind her menu.

  “You know that’s not true.” Sara inched closer. “You know how I feel about you. You know that I love you.”

  “I know…” Evan’s voice trailed off. Part of him knew he was out of Sara’s league, but it didn’t matter. She was with him and wanted to be with him. He looked up and cracked a smile. “So, I signed the lease for the apartment today.”

  Sara’s eyes lit up. Her grip tightened around Evan’s hands in excitement. “How was it? Tell me all about the place.”

  “I could show you.” Evan opened the gallery on his phone and swiped his finger across the screen, showing Sara a slideshow of pictures displaying the empty apartment.

  “Evan, this place is gorgeous. I’m sure you’re going to love living there. I know I would.”

  “I’m sure I would love it…if you lived there with me.”

  Julie spit out her water, spraying Evan’s arm. “Sorry,” she mumbled as her eyes flashed to the image of a massive empty bedroom with a beige carpet.

  “Well, what do ya think?”

  ‘You-you’re asking me to move in with you?”

  “I hate that we spend so little time together. Having a place of my own will help, but living in two separate states makes it difficult.”

  “So you think moving in together is the answer?”

  “I just know I like spending time with you. I love waking up next to you and hate it when one of us has to leave. If we live together, we don’t have to worry about if and when we get to see each other again.”