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  “So now I can’t be proud of my son?”

  “Of course you can. I just don’t understand why you have to rub it in my face every time I turn around.”

  Mrs. Taylor pointed a bony finger at Evan. “Because at least one of my sons is doing something productive with his life. At least Randy is a son we can be proud of. He has vision. He has passion and a drive to be successful.” Rather than continue to argue, Evan shut down and attempted to crawl back to bed. “Oh no you don’t. You have an interview in an hour and a half at your brother’s store.”

  “I don’t need a job at his stupid store. I already have a job.”

  “Well, you can work there and have two jobs.”

  “How? I work full time and am a published author trying to make a name for myself. If I took on a second job, then I’d have no time for sleep.”

  Mrs. Taylor placed her hands on her hips. “Then I suggest you give up that pathetic dream of yours. You’re not really doing anything with it. I mean; you don’t do any book signings, I’ve only seen your book once or twice in stores, and you’re still single living at home with your mommy and daddy.”

  Evan couldn’t believe his ears. His mother, the woman that carried him for nine months and raised him for last twenty-one years to set big goals and follow his dreams, was happily crushing his spirit.

  Evan was on the verge of tears. His hands were clenched around his pillow, wishing it was his mother’s throat. They always had a rocky relationship. When he was a child she was too over-protective, but was constantly nit picking him since he was a teenager. It got progressively worse during college, and had hit a critical point when he flunked out. But at that moment, she was crossing a line she would never come back from.

  “Get out,” Evan snapped. His mother stood there and shook it off as if he was a child trying to bark out orders. “I said get out!”

  “Or what,” Mrs. Taylor said with a smirk on her face.

  Evan stormed up to her. His eyes were deadlocked on hers. There was an intensity there demanding the attention and respect he deserved. He pointed at the open door. “Get the fuck out of my room before you make me do something I’ll regret.”

  His words shook Mrs. Taylor. The smirk was removed from her face. She slowly backed up until she stood next to the door. “Just wait until your father gets home.” Evan moved briskly toward her. His hand gripped the hinge and slammed the door shut. “And you better get that job at your brother’s store.” Her words screeched through the closed door. It took everything in Evan not to reply, but that would just give her more ammo to supply his father with when he got home.

  “Fucking bitch,” Evan muttered under his breath. Hating that he let her get under his skin like she did, Evan punched his pillows with everything he had, wishing the damage could be done to them. Her last statement ignited his spitefulness. “She’s insane if she thinks I’m going to work there.” His mind was made up. He was going to defy her demand by jumping back into bed and curling up with his pillows and blankets. Fate seemed to have other plans. As the sheet was pulled up to his chin, his phone vibrated on the nightstand. The name Christopher Waters appeared on the screen. Evan nearly jumped at the name. His agent rarely called. In fact, Mr. Waters only called when there was really good news (which was rare), or bad news (which was the typical conversation). “Mr. Waters, how are you?”

  “Fantastic,” he replied, which was much different than his usual grunts. “Listen Evan; I need you to get down to my office as soon as you can. I’ve got some potentially good news for you.”

  “Really,” the shock of hearing Waters claim to have good news was evident in Evan’s voice. “What kind of good news?”

  “I’m not at liberty to discuss anything further over the phone. When can you get down here and meet with me?”

  Evan looked at the time. It was perfectly aligned with the time his mother scheduled him an interview at his brother’s store. “I can be there in an hour.”

  “Perfect, I’ll see you then.”

  Evan let out a silent whoop of excitement before running to the bedroom door. “Ma, I need to borrow the car.”

  “For what,” she yelled.

  Evan had the plan in his mind. Hoping the news his agent had was really good, he decided to play his mother’s game of control. “I need it to get some clothes for my interview, and then I’m heading to the store.”

  Mrs. Taylor appeared at the door moments later. Her lips twitched an approving smile. “Finally, I knew you’d come to your senses.” She placed the keys in his hand. “I expect to hear the good news when you get back.”

  Evan took the keys with his true intentions masked behind the fake smile. “Of course; you have my word.”

  Chapter 2-Evan

  Evan stared at the towering building before him as he walked through the streets of New York City. He had only been to his agent’s office twice before. The massive building on Park Avenue oozed success, a success Evan desperately wanted.

  Two sets of eyes were latched onto Evan as he entered the building through the golden revolving door. He was dressed in an old wrinkled black suit that was two sizes too large for him. “Can I help you sir,” one of the security guards asked.

  “I’m here to meet with my literary agent.”

  “You must be looking for the Conley and Waters Agency. Take the elevator up to the tenth floor.”

  With a bit of a skip in his step, Evan stepped in front of the elevators and took the brief ride to the tenth floor. As he exited, Evan found the office had been remodeled. Glass walls and doors stood at the entrance. Grayish white tiles showed him the path to the reception desk.

  A cheery strawberry blond waited until Evan stood in front of her before welcoming him to the office. “Hi, how can I help you?”

  “I’m Evan Taylor. I’m here to see Christopher Waters.”

  “Is he expecting you?”

  “Yes, he just called me an hour ago to meet him here.”

  “Okay, one moment.” The receptionist dialed on the phone to check if Mr. Waters was indeed expecting the guest and if he was ready for him. She placed the receiver down and smiled at Evan. “If you’d like to have a seat, Mr. Waters will be with you momentarily.”

  Evan picked up a magazine from the pile from the white end table. He thumbed through a few pages before hearing his name called. Christopher Waters stood next to the reception desk with his slicked back hair and pinstriped grey Brunello Cucinelli suit. Everything about this man screamed success including his Rolex watch, fifteen-hundred dollar pair of Canali shoes, and the countless models he’s dated well throughout his thirties and his current forties.

  “Evan, glad you can make it down on such short notice.”

  Evan was surprised to see his agent outside of the office. Not once, in the year and a half he knew Christopher Waters, has he once met Evan outside of his office. Usually the flavor of the month secretary would escort him into the office. Seeing his agent standing there to greet him gave Evan the impression the news was much better than he was hoping for.

  Evan jumped to his feet. “Based on your call, I got down here as fast as I could. What’s this good news that you couldn’t discuss over the phone?”

  “Not here son; come with me to my office and we’ll discuss your future.” He held out a hand, gesturing for Evan to follow him down the hall to one of the largest offices he had ever seen. Ivory couches lined the wall. A Mahogany desk sat in front of a window that provided an amazing view of the New York City Skyline.

  “I don’t remember your office looking like this.”

  “Business has been very good lately. Our office received a full remodel over the last eight months.” Mr. Waters gestured to a lavish leather chair in front of the desk. “Please, have a seat.” Evan did as instructed. He watched as Christopher Waters carefully removed his flawless suit jacket and hung it up neatly, ensuring there wasn’t a single wrinkle added to it.

  Evan couldn’t contain his excitement any longer. His l
eg was bouncing up and down in the chair. “So…what was the good news?”

  “Evan, you’ve been with us for quite a while now. In that time, how many books have you sold?”

  “I-I don’t know; a handful I guess.”

  “And how many book signings and events have you been to?”

  Not liking where the conversation was headed, Evan hesitantly answered. “Three or four I think.”

  “How would you like to do a lot more than three or four?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Mr. Waters stepped out from behind his desk. “Recent numbers have come in, and apparently your book is starting to get a bit of a following.”

  “Really?” The shock voiced itself before Evan could contain it.

  “You seem surprised.”

  “I just thought…I mean…that’s pretty cool.”

  “Indeed, but we need to get you ready.”

  “I’m ready right now. When do I start?”

  Mr. Waters stared at Evan’s wrinkled old suit with distain. “We’re sending you to New Jersey starting this weekend. But this,” he waged his finger up and down, directing the attention to Evan’s clothes, “needs to change.” He walked back to his desk and pushed the intercom button. “Kat, can you come here for a minute?”

  The door opened moments later, allowing a six-foot tall blond woman to enter. She strutted towards them in a pair of strappy black Gucci shoes. Her black slit skirt came down to mid-thigh, showing off her nice long legs.

  “You wanted to see me sir?”

  Mr. Waters patted Evan’s shoulder and whispered in his ear, “wipe the drool from your mouth.” He straightened himself and approached the long legged goddess. “Kat, I’d like you to meet one of my authors. This is Evan Taylor.” Waters placed a hand on the small of the woman’s back. “Evan, this is Kat. She is my,” he shifted his eyes side to side, mulling over what he wanted to call her. “She’s my personal assistant. She’ll be helping you prepare for this weekend’s signings.”

  “Signings…as in multiple?” The thought of laying out money to purchase the amount of books needed to fill the request of a signing was more than Evan could afford.

  “I told you earlier, you would be doing a lot more than three or four. I have two set up on Saturday and one on Sunday. If all goes well, we may be booking many more for you.”

  “I don’t know if I can afford to order that many books.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ve already spoken with the book stores. They placed an order the other day and are due to receive their shipment by Friday the latest.”

  “Okay, what else do I need to do to prepare for it?”

  “For starters, you need to upgrade that wardrobe.”

  Evan looked down at his wrinkled suit. In his mind, it was the nicest thing he owned. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

  Kat circled around the chair, tapping a perfectly manicured finger against her cherry red lips. “The suit is nice, but horribly wrinkled. The shirt and tie look like you picked them up at a cheap discount store. The shoes are in need of a desperate polish.” Kat stopped in front of Evan. “Tell me; do you own anything nicer than this?” Evan shook his head regrettably.

  “Do you think you can help him,” Mr. Waters asked.

  “Yes, but it could take a while.” She winked at Mr. Waters, eliciting a smile from him. He reached into his wallet and pulled out a black card. Kat’s grin grew wider, knowing she could buy whatever she wanted. “I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  Kat grabbed a hold of Evan’s arm and pulled him up from his chair. He stumbled to keep up as his eyes were focused on the lower half of her body. She stopped short as they reached the door leading to the elevator.

  Evan’s focus lifted meeting Kat’s gaze. “Where are we going?”

  “We’re going to get you some new clothes. We want you looking your best before your signings.” She hooked a finger under his chin. “Trust me; you’ll be more than ready for your trip. Hell, you might even get laid.” Evan took a deep breath and the let the possibility sink in as the elevator doors enclosed him and Kat.

  Thirty minutes later, a Lincoln Towncar arrived in front of Saks. The silence within was quieter than a closed library. A seat of distance separated the two.

  "You know I don't bite," Kat said breaking the silence. You can talk to me.”

  “Marry me,” Evan blurted. Kat did her best to hide the laughter that erupted. “I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I don’t know what came over me.”

  “It’s okay,” she replied.

  “No, I shouldn’t have said that. It’s just…I mean look at you. I’ve never met anyone as beautiful as you.”

  She placed a hand on top of Evan’s. “It’s okay; relax. Out of all the comments I get, that had to be one of the nicest.” She sighed and smiled as the car door opened. “Keep sweet talking like that, and you’ll have your choice of women.”

  Evan’s face lit up like a beam of light as he followed Kat into the store. He spun in a circle, taking in all of incredibly expensive clothes. “I can’t afford this stuff.”

  “For now, you don’t have to.” Kat displayed the black credit card between her fingers. “This little shopping spree is on Mr. Waters.” She grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the men’s department.

  They began by checking out the suits. Evan stood off to the side as Kat happily searched for the perfect suit. Several were chosen, displaying brands like Armani, Canali, Ralph Lauren, and Versace. She sorted through the colors settling in on a black Hugo Boss suit.

  “Hey what about this one,” Evan moved towards one of the Armani suits. His hand reached to touch the fabric of the sleeve, but was swatted away.

  “Don’t touch what you can’t afford.”

  “But I thought you said…”

  “Mr. Waters is generous, but not generous enough to buy you a twenty-five-hundred-dollar suit. Besides you wouldn’t wear such an expensive suit to a book signing.” She took the Hugo Boss she selected and held it against Evan’s body. “This will look perfect on you. Now we just need to find you the right shirt and tie.”

  “What’s wrong with the ones I have?”

  Kat’s tongue clicked against her teeth, making a tsk sound. “Honey, the clothes you wear now are fine if you’re apply for a job working in a department store or if you wanted to eat at maybe a three-star restaurant. Your book sales and these signings mean you’re a somebody now. You need to dress to impress.”

  “Okay, what do you suggest?”

  “Because you’re wearing a black suit, I would go with something simple and light. Maybe wear a white or light blue dress shirt and a bold tie.” Kat shopped around and grabbed a white Hugo Boss shirt and a light blue Ralph Lauren French cuff dress shirt. “Now to get you a tie and shoes. What size are you?”

  “Ten-ten and a half.”

  Kat raised an eyebrow and followed it with a devious smirk. She walked off only to return minutes later with two blue ties and a pair of shoes. She held up the two ties to the suit and tie. A nod of approval was all it took for her to decide which of the two he should use. “Try on the shoes and see if they fit.”

  Evan slipped his feet into the shining pair of Varmiro Bit loafers Kat chose. “They’re a little snug, but aren’t too bad.”

  “That’s good. You’re better off with them being snug than loose. You’ll break them in and then they’ll feel fine.” She placed the tie around his neck. “Go find a dressing room and try everything on.” Evan did as he was instructed. It took ten minutes before Kat decided to check on him. “Are you okay in there?”

  The door to the dressing room opened. Evan stood, dressed in the suit with the top two buttons open and the tie wrapped around his neck. “I can’t figure out how to do this.”

  Kat moved closer until her face was inches from Evan. Her hands reached up, grabbed both sides of the shirt, pulling them closer together. Her minty fresh breath blew in Evan’s face. He could sme
ll the flowery scent of her perfume. He considered taking the chance of kissing her. Her lips were inches away and could easily lean forward, taking her by surprise. Within seconds, the buttons closed around his neck. Kat was focusing on the tie.

  Evan thought about the possibilities. He could take her in his arms, capture her lips with his. He considered leaving a trail of hot kisses down her neck to her collar, and wondered how sweet she would taste.

  “I suggest you put that thing away before I break it.” The harsh anger in Kat’s voice woke Evan from his dream-like state.

  He was struck with the reality that he must have done something to overstep again. He looked down and saw he had become hard from his thoughts. His hand hurried to shield it from view. Guilt and embarrassment was etched all over his face. “I’m so-so sorry.”

  “Go back in the dressing room and take it all off. Leave the tie intact, just lift it over your head. This way we don’t have to worry about you running into any more incidents.”

  When Evan returned, three dresses hung from the hangers in Kat’s hands along with a pair of shoes. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he stared at the clothes. “What are those for?”

  “These are for me, courtesy of Mr. Waters.”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  Kat’s mischievous grin indicated the type of relationship she shared with Christopher Waters. They approached the register and, paid for the purchases and took the car back to the office. Evan followed her back to the tenth floor and through the glass doors.

  “Is he in with a client,” Kat asked.

  “No ma’am. Go right on in.”

  Evan and Kat made their way down the hall. Mr. Waters sat in his chair watching ESPN recap the previous night’s games from the sixty-inch flat screen plastered across the far wall. “Hey, how did it go?”

  “He cleans up pretty nice. He just needed a little guidance,” Kat replied while holding her purchases behind her back.

  “Great.” Mr. Waters walked towards his desk and pulled a piece of paper from a folder on his desk. “Here is your itinerary for the weekend. A car will pick you up on Friday afternoon and will bring you to the hotel. You can stay there and relax for the night. I’ll swing by with a car to pick you up at noon for your first signing.”