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#1 Fan Page 5

  “Hey loverboy,” Kat shouted from around the corner. “Get ready; the limo will be here any minute.”

  Evan’s pace came to a halt. His eyes caught a glimpse of Kat smiling from the aisle. “Awesome,” he whispered loudly. She led the way to the driver, whispering something in his ear which went unnoticed by Evan. The driver nodded in agreement while holding the door open for her.

  Once inside, the limo drove to the nearest florist and parked out front. The driver opened Evan’s door and waited for him to exit. “What’s going on,” he asked. “This isn’t the hotel.”

  “I know.” Kat turned to face Evan. “You like this girl; right?” Evan’s silent acknowledgement confirmed her theory. “Then make it special. Show up on her doorstep with flowers, take her out to a nice restaurant, and see where the night goes.”

  Evan pulled out his wallet. Three folded twenties sat in the otherwise nearly empty wallet. “I don’t really have the money to…”

  Kat’s hand shot into the air, silencing Evan from his excuse. She dug into her purse and pulled out a black credit card, the same one she used to buy Evan’s suit. “I managed to convince Mr. Waters into letting us use the card tonight.” She slipped it in Evan’s jacket pocket. “I think you’ll need this more than me.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

  “Trust me, it’ll be no trouble at all. Now I called ahead and placed the order for you. All you have to do is pick it up and go get the girl.”

  Evan hurried into the store, which by the small sign on the door, said they closed an hour earlier. “Hi, I’m here to pick up some flowers.”

  The woman behind the counter looked up at Evan. Her eyes narrowed in and looked him up and down in an attempt to decide if he was a nice guy or an arrogant rich prick. “Are you Mr. Taylor?”

  “Yes, yes I am.”

  The florist walked towards the three glass door fridge and pulled a large colorful bouquet. “Then these are for you.” She placed them on the counter and rang up the order. “That’ll be eighty-two dollars.

  Evan’s eyes grew wider, panic stricken that the assortment of flowers would be too expensive and overwhelming. He dipped his hands into his jacket pocket, and hesitantly plucked the black credit card from the soft fabric of the suit. Once in the clear, he returned to the limo with a look of distress.

  “What’s wrong,” Kat asked.

  “These flowers…”

  “I know; they’re gorgeous right?”

  “Yes, but expensive. I don’t have that kind of money.”

  “Right now, that’s not something I want you to worry about.” Kat’s finger stroked the lapel of Evan’s suit. “This was something beyond your price range, but we purchased it for you and look at the results. You look better than the day we met, and you have this new confidence that is allowing you to take control of your life.”

  “Yeah, but expensive things aren’t me. I don’t buy eighty dollar flowers. I don’t drive around in limos.”

  “I’m just doing what I can to increase your confidence going into the date.” Kat let out a sigh. “If you don’t want my help…”

  Evan took a brief moment to think about what Kat has done for him. She picked out a suit that his agent purchased. She’s let him use the limo for his date, and picked out the most beautiful bouquet of flowers he had ever seen. Was he really going to be upset that she went out of her way to do all of this for him?

  “I’m sorry; you’re right.” He stared out the window, looking out at the city as they drove back to Kat’s hotel. “I just don’t want her to think I’m something I’m not.”

  “Evan, this might not be who you are now, but this could be your future. You just have to decide if you want it.” The limo pulled up in front of a large hotel. The driver came around to the back and opened the door for Kat. She turned towards Evan one last time before she left him. “Keep the card for tonight. Take your girl someplace nice. Make it a night neither of you will forget.” With her parting words, Kat exited the limo and disappeared through the hotel lobby doors.

  Evan let the conversation replay in his head throughout the drive to Sara’s apartment. The driver held the door open for him and waited while Evan walked up to the front door. He knocked twice. Only silence replied, forcing his insecurities to rise. Maybe she second guessed her choice, he thought. He knocked one more time before turning back to the limo. The door creaked open as his foot touched the last step.

  “Evan,” a woman’s voice echoed from the doorway. He turned and saw the dark haired beauty standing in front of him wearing a black and white striped dress with matching black heels that glistened in the street lights.

  He walked back the building. “You look incredibly beautiful.” He presented the flowers to her with a shy smile. “These are for you.”

  “Evan, they’re beautiful. You didn’t have to.”

  “I know, but I wanted to.”

  Sara inhaled the scent of the bouquet which made her eyes come alive with desire. “They’re heavenly.” She took them into her hands and brought them closer to her face. “Let me bring these inside and put them in water before we go.” She hurried up the stairs only to return three minutes later.

  “All set,” Evan asked. She laced her fingers with his. He gave her hand a quick squeeze before leading her to the waiting limo. “Did you decide where you wanted to go for dinner?”

  “I know a nice Italian restaurant that’s not far from here.” She whispered the name and address to the driver. He confirmed his knowledge of the restaurant before opening the limo door for them.

  They drove in silence for fifteen minutes, until they arrived at a large brick building with maroon awnings. They entered the restaurant and were greeted right away.

  “Good evening,” a short Italian man said. “Two? Come with me.”

  Evan and Sara walked past the marble tables with the light brown chairs, and entered the main dining area. The white chairs surrounded tables covered in white table cloths. It was nicer than Evan thought or even considered taking Sara to. Had he taken her here a week ago, there would be no way he could afford it. His mind drifted to Kat’s parting words and decided he was going to live the life he wanted, not the one he had. He pulled Sara’s chair out for her before taking his own seat.

  The waiter approached moments after they sat down. “Good evening; my name is Antonio, and I will be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?”

  Evan scanned the wine list. If he was going to make this a memorable night, he was going all out on the date. “Can I get a bottle of your Sonoma Cutrer?”

  Sara leaned in to whisper her objection. “That’s pretty expensive.”

  “It’s fine; I’ve got it covered.”

  The waiter nodded and hurried to the back before anyone changed their minds. “Evan, you don’t have to do that.”

  “Do what?”

  “Try to impress me.”

  Evan thought Sara would respond like she was. She didn’t seem like the type of girl who wanted a sugar daddy or to be spoiled with gifts and expensive dinners. “I’m sorry. My agent’s personal assistant found out about our date and wanted to make sure we had a great time. So she gave me the company card to ensure we had the night of our lives.”

  He saw the hesitation in Sara’s eyes, and knew his reasoning sounded a bit far-fetched. But then again, it wasn’t every day someone offered to order a bottle of wine.

  “Okay, but I don’t want to go overboard tonight,” Sara replied.

  They agreed and opened up their menus. To anyone looking at their table, it appeared Evan and Sara were studying the menu with intense pleasure. They used them as a screen to hide the enjoyment from their faces as they glanced at each other from the tops of them. They placed their orders with the waiter and surrendered the comfort of their menus.

  “So,” Evan began, as he attempted to break the ice. He was unsure where to direct the topic of conversation. Usually it was instilled u
pon him by those he hung out with. His friends, his family, and his co-workers always dictated the topics and pace of the discussions. He took a deep breath and launched into a number of topics, trying to find out as much as he could about his date.

  He found out she was an avid movie and T.V. aficionado, but mostly focused on mysteries, police shows, and her secret love for dance shows while they sampled the eggplant rollatini. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment over his choice of wine, knowing white wine should not be paired with red sauce. Sara spoke about her job as an orderly at a local hospital while going to school to be a home health care professional while they waited for the entrees to arrive.

  The interruption of the waiter bringing out the main course allowed for a change in conversation, which focused on Evan. The savory Chicken Concetta couldn’t deter Sara from asking everything she could about Evan and his life as an author. Due to the flow of wine filling their glasses as they ate, Evan and Sara held nothing back.

  “Is there anything else I can get for you,” the waiter asked.

  “Do you wanna stick around and get dessert or drinks,” Evan asked.

  “I’d love to.” Sara asked for another bottle of wine and saw the look Evan gave her when the waiter walked away. “What? You said your agent’s personal assistant was taking care of it. Let’s enjoy the night.” She moved her chair closer to Evan’s.

  He took Sara’s hands in his, feeling the soft silkiness of her skin pressed against his warmth sent a prickling sensation up their arms. They longingly into each other’s eyes as they moved closer. Their lips were inches from each other as they gently touched.

  “Uh hem,” the waiter said loudly enough to cause Evan and Sara to pull back from the kiss. Their cheeks reddened with embarrassment. “Should I open the bottle, or would you like it to go?”

  They knew this was the waiter’s way of asking them to leave before they made a scene. Evan eyed Sara up, “we’ll take it to go.”

  Chapter 7-Sara

  The limo door opened. Their bodies entered and waited for the driver to roll up the partition. Sara turned to Evan with hunger in her eyes. She felt his hand reach behind her head, pulling her closer to his body. Their lips met in a passionate embrace. The cold bottle of wine slowly slipped from her fingertips.

  “Wait,” she regretfully said while breaking away from Evan. She held up the bottle and quickly placed it in the cooler filled with ice. “Now, where were we?”

  With a lustful glare in her eyes, Sara inched towards him. The desire she hid all night was bubbling at the surface, waiting for the right time to unleash it. She grabbed the lapels of his jacket, launching herself at him, pummeling Evan with kisses.

  His tongue swept the crease of her lips, begging for entry, finally gaining the access it craved. Sara parted her mouth, sucking on Evan’s bottom lip. She heard him groan softly as her fingers played with his wavy light brown hair. Evan’s hands gripped her waist, pulling Sara onto his lap. She could feel the bulge in his pants pressing against her. Her heartbeat quickened as his hands traveled down her body, softly stroking her thighs.

  She could sense Evan was losing control. His eyes screamed how bad they wanted her, but knew he was restraining himself. As much as she wanted him, she knew it would be a mistake for their first time to be in a limo.

  Sara felt Evan pull away and watched him press the button for the intercom. “Can you take us back to my hotel?”

  “Certainly sir.”

  Sara didn’t know how much time they had before they arrived at their destination, but the burning desire to be with Evan was preventing her from restraining herself. Her fingers grabbed Evan’s tie, pulling it until their faces were less than an inch apart.

  “How long do we have until we get to your hotel?”

  “Ten minutes, fifteen if we’re lucky.”

  A wicked smile crossed her face as she moved to his left. Her hands smoothed out his shirt as they slowly moved towards his belt. Before he could stop her, Sara’s mouth was on his while her hand rubbed the erection that strained against the fabric of his pants. Knowing Evan was distracted by her actions, Sara fumbled with the zipper until she freed the hardness that appeared to be begging for its release.

  She could feel Evan flinch at her mere touch. “Sara, what the…” She pressed her lips to his, silencing his objection. Her fingers wrapped around his thick pulsating rod, stroking it against the palm of her hand. Evan pulled his mouth away from her. “Not like this.”

  Sara leaned in closer, whispering in his ear. “Let me; I want to make this a night you’ll never forget.” She didn’t know what was coming over her. She never threw herself at a guy before. The men she dated were always forced to wait, and men from the clubs never had a chance. But something about Evan filled her with an uncontrollable urge that she needed to explore.

  She lowered bent at the waist, keeping her eyes focused on him as her tongue grazed the tip. She could feel the chill run through Evan’s body as his hands braced against the leather seats. Seeing his reaction increased her desire to devour him. Her mouth formed an O as brought her lips around him. Her tongue snaked out, coiling around his shaft. Evan’s body shuddered as Sara took him deeper in her mouth.

  Another groan escaped Evan, encouraging Sara’s pursuit of making it a memorable night. Her head slowly sucked him to the top before licking the sweet spot under the tip.

  The look in Evan’s eyes told Sara he was close. She watched him grip the seatbelts, as if he were holding onto the last shred of control he had. She knew he was at the edge, and wanted to take him to the point of no return. She took him deep into her mouth again, deeper than she had previously. Her hand resumed stroking the base while her tongue encircled the sensitive spots at the top.

  “Shit,” Evan blurted loudly as he pushed Sara away and fixed his boxers. His release brought a wave of intense satisfaction to Sara’s face as Evan’s body convulsed in the chair. “You,” he said while hooking a finger under her chin. “You’re in trouble when we get to the room.”

  Her plump lips brushed against his gently. “Good, I can’t wait.”



  The driver pulled up to the front of the hotel and opened the door to the limo. Evan was the first to exit. His heavy breathing and flushed sweaty face was a dead giveaway.

  “Are you okay sir?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just had a long day.” He turned back to the limo and held out a hand for Sara. She emerged with her dark brown slightly tossed to the left. She flattened her dress as Evan gave her hand a little squeeze.

  They entered the hotel, briskly passing the front desk to avoid the judgmental stares from the hotel employees that met him the night before. Evan’s eyes swept from side to side as the approached the elevator. His finger jabbed the button anxiously until the loud ding rang overhead.

  Evan entered first, pulling Sara in behind him. “Someone’s in a hurry,” she said as the doors closed behind them.

  Evan pressed her against the elevator. His mouth left a trail of kisses along her jawline and down her neck. Each kiss felt like fire on her skin as if he were branding her with his lips. His fingers entwined with hers, pressed their hands against the wall.

  When the doors opened, Evan led the way to his room, keeping Sara close behind. She turned on a switch in him that he didn’t know existed. He fumbled with the keycard to unlock the door and clicked on the lights. He watched her twirl with delight as she took in the spacious room. A moment was all she had before Evan’s eyes turned predatory. Thoughts of her body lying on the bed waiting for him to ravage her increased his lust filled hunger.

  He moved quietly behind her, slipping his jacket off and placing it on a nearby chair. He did the same with the tie and shirt, exposing his bare chest as he approached her. His hands came around her waist, pulling her into his body. A finger stroked the side of her arm reaching her fingertips. His mouth caressed the back of her neck while he
guided her body to the bed.

  She turned to face him, only to be taken in his arms and gently placed on the bed. His murky brown eyes stared intently at her, savoring the moment before placing his lips on hers. Slowly he inched the dress over her hips until he hooked a finger around her white lace panties.

  Sara arched her back as Evan’s relentless assault of kisses began a second wave of attack, targeting her stomach and working their way up. She leaned forward, allowing him to lift the dress over her head. The white lace bra displayed Sara’s puckering nipples. She reached back and released the straps that hid her beautiful mounds.

  “You are absolutely beautiful,” Evan whispered. Heat radiated Sara’s body as Evan lightly pinched her nipple between his fingers. She moaned while arching her back. He lowered his mouth around it, capturing it between his lips.

  “Ah…Evan…I want…”

  He knew what she wanted, knew what she needed. She needed the type of release she had given him. His hand pushed aside the white lace panties and dipped a finger into her while his thumb rubbed her nub from side to side.

  She gripped the side of his head, brought his lips to hers, as she whimpered with delight. “Yes, right there.”

  Evan could feel her nails raking the back of his neck. He knew she was getting closer to a breaking point, but the thought of tasting her was overwhelming. He retreated down her body, tossing her legs over his shoulders. His face lowering until Sara could see him his forehead. His tongue flicked the nub, causing Sara’s body to shudder. One taste of her sweetness and he was hooked.

  The roughness of his tongue massaged her clit. Sara’s body thrusted towards him while her hands gripped the top of his hair. “Faster baby. Please, I’m almost…” Evan listened to her words as her voice took a higher pitch. His tongue worked feverishly on her sensitive spot. Her grip tightened, her body tensed with her legs wrapped around his head. She placed a pillow over her mouth, but the words screeched through the pillow. “OH SHIT!” Her body shook, before her legs fell limply onto the bed.