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#1 Fan Page 30



  Mr. Davidson and his entourage of men in business suits, stood closely at his side as they entered the restaurant. Evan turned in time to see them hovering near the entrance. He wondered if he should go in knowing Waters and Audrey had not arrived. If he went in without them, he would have a chance to make a bigger impression on Davidson, and maybe sign the deal without Waters dirtying the water of the negotiation process. On the other hand, going in without them could cost him the deal.

  He waited until Davidson and his entourage were seated before moving closer to the entrance. His eyes nervously swept from side to side as his hand reached for the door.

  “You weren’t thinking of going in there alone, were you?” It was Mr. Waters. The smell of his expensive cologne gave him away before he uttered a single word.

  “No sir. I was making sure you weren’t already inside.”

  Mr. Waters studied Evan’s face. Based on his smirk, Evan was sure liar had been tattooed across his forehead. “Good boy.”

  What am I a dog? Do I sit, stay and beg on command?

  Waters peeked through the glass doors and found Mr. Davidson sitting in the back facing the front of the restaurant. “I think I should go in first.” Waters grabbed the handle and walked in, but Evan refused to let Waters speak on his behalf without his attendance.

  Evan slipped in behind Waters and followed him to the back table. Davidson stood to greet them both, but extended his hand to Evan first. “Gentlemen, it’s good to see you again.” Waters accepted Mr. Davidson’s greeting, but glared back at Evan. “It seems like we’re missing someone.”

  “Ms. Stone will be down shortly,” Waters replied.

  “Well then, I hope you all don’t mind, but I took the liberty of ordering some wine for the table.”

  “No, not at all.” This time liar should’ve been written on Mr. Waters’ face. Evan knew how much Mr. Waters loved to order the wine. He was a connoisseur, and loved to show off how much he knew. Not having the chance to study the menu, he wouldn’t have time to prepare himself.

  “So Evan,” Mr. Davidson said. “Where do you want to see yourself in the next five years?”

  “I would like to put out a few more books, hit the best seller lists, and hopefully make a few movies.” It was a standard answer that most authors would give if they were asked that question by a movie producer.

  “And if you turned one of your books into a movie, how much control and say would you want?”

  This was what Davidson wanted to know. This was the tipping point in the balance of power. Ask for too much, and the offer is taken off the table. Ask for too little, and the producer, the production company and everyone else will step all over him. Evan thought about his potential answer, not knowing what would be considered too much or too little. Before he could answer, Mr. Waters decided to intervene.

  “Mr. Taylor and I feel that…”

  Davidson waved him off. “I’m not interested in what you have to say Mr. Waters. I would like to hear from the man I am interested in doing business with.”

  It took everything within Evan not to give the biggest smile at Mr. Davidson’s remarks. Instead he took a sip of wine, cleared his throat and looked Mr. Davidson in the eyes.

  “Sir, my book is my baby. I have worked on it for years, doing everything I can to perfect it. I would like to be a part of it becoming a movie.”

  He leaned forward with interest. “What kind of role did you have in mind, Mr. Taylor?”

  “I would like to be kept on as the screenplay writer, and that any script changes must be run by me.”

  “That’s a pretty big role you wish to have, Mr. Taylor.”

  “I understand that sir. I know Hollywood has hundreds of script writers and probably even more aspiring screenplay writers. However, I feel I know the story better than anyone. It was my vision, passion, and writing that has captured the reader’s attention. I would very much like to maintain that role in translating the words to the big screen.”

  “Uh huh, and tell me how much do you expect to be paid for being such a role?”

  Waters leaned forward as if he were about to interject himself into the conversation again. Davidson’s side glance warned him of the anger rising. His interference would be what caused the deal to fall through.

  “I am only seeking what is fair. I am willing to be paid what a normal screenplay writer would be paid while they are working on a movie, as well as maintain the rights and royalties of my book.”

  Davidson leaned back in his chair as his two cronies huddled around him. “You made some bold statements and are asking for quite a lot for your first time meeting with a movie producer.” He quirked an eyebrow while his fingers swirled his wine glass. “But I think we can work something out.” He stood up to shake Evan’s hand. “I will have my people send you and Ms. Stone the necessary paperwork to look over after the holiday. But for now, let’s celebrate.”

  Davidson picked up his glass to toast their deal, but stopped as he stared at the ravishing dark haired woman strutting towards the table. Evan turned to see Audrey swaying her hips in her tight red cocktail dress. Every eye in the restaurant was locked on her toned, tanned legs that walked with purpose in her Jimmy Choo shoes. The dress hugged her curvaceous body, ensuring every man was focused on her assets.

  Davidson hurried around the table to greet her. “Ms. Stone, we were just talking about you.”

  “Good things I hope.”

  “Only the best.” He held out a hand and twirled her around. “I must say you look absolutely breathtaking tonight.”

  “I wanted to look my best for you.”

  “Well, you are just in time to help us celebrate.”

  “Oh, and what are we celebrating?”

  “Evan and I have agreed to move forward with our negotiations and will be sending paperwork for him to sign on to do the movie.”

  Audrey turned towards Evan. Her smile was seductive more than filled with joy. She leaned in, pulling him into a tight embrace. “I knew you could do it.,” she whispered.

  “Come, let us sit and eat. Then we will celebrate even more.”

  The rest of the night seemed to pass by in a blur. He knew dinner tasted amazing, and that the waiters kept bringing bottles of wine to the table. For the life of him, Evan couldn’t remember how many bottles they finished. Mr. Waters had turned in early. Evan figured it was because he was the odd man out in the deal. It felt like Mr. Davidson didn’t like Waters for some odd reason. It’s not like there was a shortage of reasons.

  Mr. Davidson’s men urged him to leave as well, telling him they had a flight to catch in the morning. He tried to ignore them, but was finally convinced they needed to go. It left Evan and Audrey sitting alone at the bar.

  “You want another drink,” she asked.

  Remembering what happened the last time he refused to say no to a night of drinking, Evan decided it would be best to end the night. “Thanks, but I think I should be going too. I want to get back before Sara wakes up and realizes I’m not home yet.”

  “Okay, wait for me. You can walk me back to my room.”

  They entered the elevator and took it to their floor. Both drifted to the side as they walked, but Audrey curled her arms around Evan’s. They stopped at Audrey’s room as she searched her bag.

  “You okay here,” Evan asked.

  “No, I can’t find my room key.”

  “Are you sure you took it with you?

  “I thought I put it in my bag before I left.”

  “Maybe you left it inside the room. I’m sure if you go down to the lobby and tell them what happened, they’ll give you another key or let you into the room.”

  Audrey slumped against the door. “I really don’t want to do that tonight. I’m tired, and I just want to go to bed.”

  Evan knew how stubborn Audrey was, and there was no way of talking her into going downstairs to get another k
ey. “Why don’t you crash in my room tonight. I can take the chair or something.”

  Audrey didn’t protest, but didn’t verbally agree to go to the room. Instead she leaned her head against Evan’s chest and let him navigate her down the hall.

  He opened the door and helped Audrey to the bed. He figured she would curl up on the bed and go to sleep, but the predator inside woke, and she was hungry for her next meal. She stood in her Jimmy Choo shoes and lifted the cocktail dress over her head. She was standing in a red lacy bra and matching thong.

  Evan’s eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw the underwear. “Aren’t those the panties I showed you the morning after my bachelor party?”

  Audrey walked seductively towards Evan. She placed her hands on his chest and whispered in his ear, “You don’t remember our night together?”

  Evan backed away. “You said nothing happened between us.”

  “I did, but that was to stop you from having a meltdown.”

  “Tell me you’re joking.”

  “Baby, it’s no joke. You felt so good in me.” Evan tried to run out the door, but was blocked by Audrey. “What’s the matter; you don’t remember me riding you in the strip club? You don’t remember me giving you a lap dance that almost made you shoot your load.

  Flashes of his bachelor party resurfaced. He remembered Audrey telling the last stripper to go and saying she would show them how it’s done. He remembered her grinding on him, and how bad he wanted her at that moment. Merely recalling the night was causing a bulge in his pants.

  “What happened after the strip club, Audrey?”

  “You and I went to the bar at the hotel. We did some more shots, and picked up where we left off at the strip club. By the way, you’re a great kisser.”

  “And that’s all we did, right?”

  “Of course, until we got back to your room. You were so hard and ready for me. Hours of foreplay from the clubs had me dripping for you.” She pressed her body against Evan’s. “You still don’t remember; do you? I think I can help with that.”

  Evan jumped to the other side of the bed. “I have a wife.”

  “And she’ll never have to know about any of this as long as you give me what I want.”

  “What the hell do you want, Audrey?”

  “You, at least another night of mind blowing sex with you.”

  “So you’re going to blackmail me into having sex with you or what; you’re going to blow up my marriage?”

  “That and your writing career.” Audrey took a seat on the edge of the bed and crossed her legs. “One call from me and Mr. Davidson will tank the deal he offered you. Waters will drop you from his agency, and I will make sure no other agent or publicist will work with you again.” Evan paced the room in front of her. “The way I see it; you have two options. You can break your wedding vows for one night, which you did before you married her, or you can lose everything including your wife by trying to do the right thing.”

  Neither choice was a good option. Evan would knowingly betray the woman he loved, or lose her over a night he barely remembered. “Fine, let’s get this over with.” He forcefully unzipped his pants and unbuttoned his jacket.

  “Oh no, we’re going to do this my way and at my pace.” She stood up from the bed and placed her hands on the lapels of Evan’s jacket. “There’s no rush. I want us both to enjoy this tonight.” Audrey moved behind Evan. Her fingers gingerly traced his arms until she reached his shoulders. Slowly she slid the suit jacket down and carefully placed it on the hanger it came on. “You feel tense. Why don’t you have a seat and I can make you feel more relaxed?”

  Evan knew he didn’t have a choice in the matter. Audrey had all the power and he had to do what she wanted to keep her quiet. Pulling out the chair from the desk, Evan loosened his tie and took a seat. He could feel Audrey’s hands rubbing his back. Her fingers were like magic. He could feel his muscles loosening under her touch.

  “Oh damn, that feels…how are you…”

  “I took massage therapy courses right after high school. You won’t believe how useful that’s been throughout my career.” She pressed harder on Evan’s shoulders. He let out a moan, which caused Audrey to whisper in his ear. “If you think this feels good, just wait until I take care of the rest of your body.”

  Evan jumped to his feet putting distance between them. “I can’t do this. I love my wife.”

  “If you love her, prove it.” She stood in front of Evan. Her lips hovered just beneath his chin. Her hand grabbed the back of his neck, bringing him to her lips.

  Reluctantly, his hands tugged at her waist. His lips softly pushed against hers. There was no turning back. He already crossed the line once before and one kiss made him cross it again. He tried to imagine he was kissing Sara, but there was no pretending. Audrey was more aggressive in her pursuit as her tongue parted Evan’s lips.

  He broke away from the kiss, but felt the assault continue down his neck. “Fuck Audrey, why are you doing this to me?”

  She pulled his tie until their lips collided. “You’re hot, I want you, and I always get what I want.” Her fingers made quick work of the buttons on Evan’s shirt before shoving him onto the bed. Burying her face against the side of his neck, her lips pummeled him with more kisses. Her teeth nipped at the skin.

  Evan grabbed Audrey by the arms. “Hey, no marks.”

  “You need to relax, and I know just the thing.” Audrey slipped to the side, continuing her seductive assault while her hand rubbed the slow building bulge in Evan’s pants. “It seems like your body likes what I’m doing. I think deep down you want this as much as I do.”

  Thoughts of Audrey had crossed Evan’s mind before. How could he not think of her in a sexual way with the way she dressed? He wouldn’t dare admit that he’s fantasized about her for a night or two while they were on tour. But he never considered acting on it.

  He could feel the tugging of his pants. Eyes opened, Evan sat up on the bed. Audrey’s hand caressed the bottom of his shaft. Her eyes had a lust-filled hunger to them as she inched down his body. Her lips hovered just above the tip. Evan was powerless to stop her. He sat with his eyes fixated on Audrey as she licked the base of the tip. Shivers rushed through Evan’s body as Audrey sucked him into her mouth. Her hand stroked him while her mouth toyed with Evan, bringing him close to the edge several times.

  Finally letting go of his urge to stop, Evan closed his eyes, enjoying every moment. The fantasies in his mind were nothing compared to what Audrey had done to him. Then she took him deep into her mouth. Evan could feel the pressure building within him. His hands grasped Audrey’s hair, pulling it back into a ponytail to keep it from interfering. All thoughts were erased from his mind. His only care was the desire for release.

  Audrey finished, leaving Evan longing for more. “What’s wrong,” he asked. “Why’d you stop?”

  Kissing Evan’s chest, Audrey worked her way back up to whisper in his ear. “You come when I tell you to come.”

  Her words opened up the floodgates of memories. He remembered the strip club and the bar at the hotel. He remembered Audrey bringing him back to his room and pulling down his pants.

  “Now, it’s my turn. I want you to make me come tonight.”

  It was as if she turned on a switch that only focused on Evan’s need for pleasure. His arms pulled Audrey close to his chest as he spun onto his side. His hands unhooked and peeled away the red lacy bra. Evan felt like one of the luckiest men in the world. So many gawked at Audrey, wishing they were in Evan’s position, wishing they could get a glimpse of what was behind those low cut tops. Licking his lips, Evan covered a nipple with his mouth while palming the other breast with his hand. Slightly pinching the free nipple between his thumb and finger, he felt Audrey arch back with excitement.

  “Seems like someone’s finally enjoying themselves,” Audrey laughed. Evan switched to the free nipple, running his tongue along it. He clamped down, sucking it harder than the first. Audrey moaned
as she ran her fingers through Evan’s hair.

  “Seems like I’m not the only one,” Evan said with a smirk as he left a trail of kisses down Audrey’s stomach. His hand rubbed the top of the red panties. “You’re drenched.”

  “I’ve been waiting a while for this.”

  Evan slid the red thong down her legs, kissing one leg as he pulled the red silk down. He stuffed them in his pants pocket. “I’m keeping these this time.” He sat against the heels of his feet staring at Audrey’s naked body, admiring the view as she looked back with nothing but desire in her eyes. He held her ankles in his hands as he slowly kissed the other leg, making his way back to her core.

  His hot, alcohol infused breath hovered over her. He could see it was making her crave him more, and in that moment, he was ready to give it to her. His tongue snaked out lapping up her wetness as it probed its way inside. The pad of his thumb rubbed the top, feeling her excitement build. It didn’t take him long to find her nub. He knew instantly he had her.

  Her legs draped over his shoulders and tightened as he brought her closer to a climax. Her fingers grabbed handfuls of his hair, begging him not to stop. Her body shook with a fierce intensity and stiffened before going limp.

  Evan climbed back to the pillows, kissing Audrey’s lips. “Did you enjoy your little treat?” She nodded her head while cupping the side of his face. “Are you ready for more?’

  “I want you, Evan. I want all of you.”

  Pulling Audrey’s legs over his shoulders, Evan pulled his pants off. He wanted to be in her. He was inches from penetrating her, but stopped himself. “I don’t have a condom.”

  “In my bag. I bought them earlier.”

  Evan knew she had set him up, but none of that mattered. He couldn’t blame what happened already on a blackout. He had taken things too far, and thoughts of stopping didn’t exist. He reached into her purse and quickly placed a rubber on. He plunged himself deep into Audrey. Her nails dug into his back as a loud moan escaped.

  This was a one-time deal, he reminded himself as he thrusted faster. But the harder and faster he moved, the more he wanted to be inside Audrey. And by the sweet moans escaping her mouth, Audrey didn’t want him to stop. Her shoes toppled to the floor as she clung to Evan’s body.