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  He could feel the explosion erupt inside of Audrey, causing him to have the biggest orgasm of his life. Their bodies went limp as Evan collapsed to Audrey’s side.

  Pulling her close to his chest, Evan panted in desperation to catch his breath. “I’ve never…”

  “You were great,” Audrey said, cutting him off. “Stick with me, and there will be plenty more of that on your rise to the top.”

  Chapter 40-Sara

  Things changed at the Taylor apartment since Evan returned from Albany. He seemed quieter, yet more attentive to Sara. They spent Christmas with her family, which made everyone happy. Sara was surprised to see Evan and her father getting along. They spent most of the night huddled in the corner of the room going on about something.

  For New Year’s Eve, Evan bought her a new dress and shoes. It was a white snowflake dress with a bit of sheer fabric, and a pair of zip-up beige ankle boots. She thought it would be too cold for her, but Evan said she would look hot in it. She decided to take his advice and wore the outfit out to the club. Julie was even impressed with how she looked in it. They spent the night hanging out in Jersey, where Evan finally met the rest of her girlfriends and the guys that eyed him with contempt.

  Once January hit, Evan slowly drifted back into his old ways. He was more tired than he used to be, despite sitting at home in front of a computer all day. He was late with making dinner, and had spent less time with Sara when she got home from work.

  After seeing him get progressively worse for ten days straight, Sara finally decided to question him about his behavior. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yeah, why?” His reply was quick and abrasive.

  “You haven’t been acting like yourself lately. You’ve been short with me, you’re always tired, and you haven’t done much around the apartment other than locking yourself in that damn office.”

  “I’ve been busy with the edits for the book. I’ve been negotiating the contract for the movie, and have been trying to book some small book signings all around New York since Waters pulled back his resources.”

  “You know, you never really told me why he did that. You finished the first draft of the book on time.”

  “I don’t want to get into it right now. I’m fine with him pulling back. It means less money I have to pay him. And when this new book is ready, he won’t be able to sink his claws into it.”

  “Wait, you’re not working with him on the new book? Then how are you going to publish it?”

  “Audrey called in a few favors. She has an editor helping me with the revisions, and a publisher who’s ready to print them and send them off to the bookstores.”

  “That’s great, but can you trust she won’t screw you over?”

  Evan nodded as he walked towards the bedroom. “Yeah, we have a mutual understanding.”

  Sara watched Evan take off his sweatpants and replace them with a pair of jeans. “Where are you going?”

  “To pick up dinner. I forgot to take something out this morning. I didn’t think you wanted to eat one of those frozen meals again.”

  “Seriously,” Sara snapped. “You’ve been home all day, and you forgot to take something out again?”

  “I’m sorry. I’ve had a lot on my plate.” He pulled on a sweatshirt and jacket, gave Sara a quick peck on the lips and left the house.

  Sara sat and thought about how strange Evan had been acting since New Year’s Day. She didn’t know if the stress was finally getting to him, or if there was something more going on that she wasn’t aware of.

  Kat was the only one that would know if something was bothering Evan. Calling her would be the only way to calm her fears of what was wrong.

  She dialed Kat’s number, feeling the stupidity of her call increasing with every ring. “Hey Sara,” Kat answered. “What’s up?”

  “When was the last time you saw or talked to Evan?”

  “Not since he got back from Albany. Why?”

  “He hasn’t been himself lately. He’s cold, distant, spends all his time locked away in the office again, and has been very forgetful.”

  “Maybe he’s just under a lot of pressure from Waters.”

  “That’s the thing; he’s not using him to put out this next book. He said Waters downgraded the services he typically offered, but Evan never told me why. When I ask, he just tells me he doesn’t want to talk about it.”

  “If he’s not working with Waters, then how is he putting out his next book? He needs an editor and a publisher.”

  “He said Audrey called in a favor and is working with her people.” Sara sighed. “Evan didn’t act like this when he was rushing to get the first draft done last year. He said Waters put pressure on him, but he never cracked like this.”

  “Maybe something else is going on. You guys are financially set, right? I mean, you can borrow from me if you need to.”

  “No, we’re still fine. He has money coming in from sales, and I’m still working. Evan said he is setting up some smaller book signings, so I don’t think it’s that.”

  “You think it has something to do with the movie?”

  “No, he’s still negotiating the contract, but said they should be close to signing it soon.” Sara ran through every possibility in her head, even the worst-case scenarios. “You don’t think he’s cheating, do you?”

  “I’ve known Evan for about as long as you have. He’s been head over heels in love with you since the day you met.”

  “But what if he realized he married me before he was ready?”

  “I doubt that. He knew you were the one after that first date, and he couldn’t wait to make you his wife.” Sara fell silent against Kat’s response. She knew there was no way Evan would cheat, but couldn’t help but jump to that conclusion. “Whatever is bothering him, you need to let him come to you about it when he’s ready.”

  “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I should cut him some slack.”

  “I’m sure things will work themselves out. And I’ll keep you posted in case he reaches out to me.”

  “Thanks, Kat.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, go relax and spend some alone time together, if you know what I mean.”

  “I’d love to, but he’s out getting food right now. He should be home in a bit.” She thanked Kat again and hung up the phone. Staring out her bedroom window, Sara continued to wonder what was going on in Evan’s head.



  Evan tried to play it off as if he forgot to cook. Going out to pick up dinner was just his excuse to get out of the house for a bit. Trudging down the steps to the first floor landing, he opened the front door and walked to the car as if nothing bothered him. His attitude took a complete turn once he peeled away from the apartment.

  Speeding down the road, he reached for his cell and hit his speed dial. A woman’s voice echoed over the car speakers.

  “We need to talk,” Evan snapped as the call connected.

  “Why? What’s wrong,” Audrey’s sharp tone replied.

  “It’s Sara. She’s getting a little suspicious. I think we need to stop messing around for now.”

  “Davidson is sending the contract to my office this week. You’ll come by, and we’ll spend a lot of time looking it over. We’ll have some dinner and drinks. Once you sign it, we’ll send it over to his office.”

  “Audrey, I can’t risk her finding out about us. If I get caught, she can take half or more of everything.”

  “Lucky for you, you don’t have much right now.”

  “She can go after future earnings. She can go after the money I’d get from the movie deal.”

  “Where are you right now?”

  “Driving around. I’m supposed to be picking up dinner.”

  “Doesn’t that wife of yours ever cook for you?”

  “She does on occasion, but argues I’m the one that’s home all day. So I should be the one to get dinne
r ready.”

  “So why don’t you?”

  “I think our daily meetings have had something to do with it. I mean, I only got home fifteen minutes before she did today. I had just enough time to walk in the door, change into my sweats, and do a few minutes of work on the computer before she got home.”

  “Don’t blame me. You were the one who had trouble finishing that second round.”

  “This isn’t a game, Audrey.”

  “Fine,” her pouting came through the phone as if Evan was there standing in front of her. “Stay home tomorrow, and I’ll find out where Davidson is with the paperwork. Once I receive it, come down to the office and we’ll handle our business and his.”

  “That works for me.”

  “Good. Just know that when we head out to California for the filming, you are all mine.”

  “Yeah, I still haven’t told Sara about that.”

  “You better get to it. We leave less than a month after you sign the contract.” Evan pulled into the parking lot of a local diner and thought about leaving Sara behind as he went to Hollywood. She would be there carrying on with her life, waiting for him to come home. Meanwhile, he would be on set during the day and most likely playing with Audrey at night. “You’re not having second thoughts, are you,” she asked.

  “No,” Evan lied. Despite cheating on Sara, he still loved her and hated that he was hurting her. The web of deceit had him in its clutches and refused to let him go. The only way out was to admit what he’s done and watch the incineration of his whole world.

  “I will call you when I have the contract, but I’ll be thinking about you every night until you come to my office.”

  Evan hung up as he entered the diner. Placing a quick order, he picked up the food and hurried home. His mind was scattered. He didn’t know what he would do when he walked in the door. Would he confess and beg for Sara’s forgiveness, or carry on as if nothing was wrong?

  Fully expecting to catch more of Sara’s wrath for getting back late with the food, Evan hesitated before turning the knob to the front door. Footsteps pounded the stairs, as Sara rushed to greet him. Her arms closed around his neck and planted a kiss on his cheek.

  “What was that for?”

  “I’m just happy to see you.”

  With his free hand, Evan wrapped his arm around Sara and passionately smashed his lips against hers. The bag of food slipped over his wrist as Sara took it and placed it on the floor.

  “What about dinner,” Evan asked.

  “It can wait.” Her hand locked onto his, pulling him towards the stairs. He knew what she wanted, but there was too much he needed to tell her. If he didn’t speak up now, he would never work up the courage to do it again.

  “Wait, there’s something I need to tell you.” He watched as Sara turned around, staring at him with pleading eyes.

  “What is it?”

  Hell, he couldn’t resist those eyes. He wanted Sara just as much as she wanted him. “You know what? It can wait.” He scooped Sara up in his arms, carrying her up the stairs.

  The bedroom beckoned them as Evan gently laid Sara down on the bed. The urge to tear her clothes off was taking over, but he refused to let it. He wanted to show her how much he loved her by taking it slow.

  His tongue found a spot on her neck just beneath Sara’s ear. Her body jolted and shook under his, knowing this was the spot to rev up her engine. He could feel her nipples harden through her shirt.

  “Someone’s ready for me,” he whispered in a raspy voice.

  Evan’s hand slid up her shirt, cupping a breast in his hand. Sara arched back giving him easier access. Taking her cue, he pushed her shirt up until his lips were able to surround her mounds.

  “Evan, I want you so bad. Take me.”

  It was as if she was begging for him to let her explore the sexier, darker side of him. “Let me take care of you baby.”

  He kissed her stomach sweetly moving towards her waist. The baggy sweatpants gave him easier access to dip his hand under and see how wet she had become. His finger entered her slit and worked her the way she craved.

  “Please baby, I need you in me.”

  There was no denying her plea. Her moans had made him rock hard. His fingers gripped the sides of her sweatpants and yanked them down. The force lifted Sara from the bed momentarily. The look of surprise must have wondered what happened.

  Inserting his head, he pushed himself inside. The feeling was indescribable. It felt like he had become whole again. Thrusting harder and faster, he couldn’t contain himself any longer. The aggressive side of Evan was unleashed and he was letting Sara enjoy every second of it. His hands gripped her shoulders, bracing them as his strides became quicker. The heels of her feet bounced off his ass in perfect rhythm with the thrusts. Finally, he took her hands, pinning them to the pillow as he brought them both to an intense climax.

  He covered her body with his own, bringing the sheets over them. “I love you, Sara.”

  She kissed his chapped lips and smiled. “I love you too, but where did those moves come from?”

  “I don’t know what came over me.” Yet another lie he told her. He was sick of lying to her. He needed to take some of the burden off his chest, but chose to go with the one that would cause the least amount of fighting. “There’s something I have to tell you, and I don’t think you’re going to like what I have to say.”

  Sara rolled to her side, slipping out from under Evan. “Do you really need to tell me this now?”

  “I wanted to tell you before, but I didn’t know how.”

  “And having sex with me just magically made the words pop in your head? Well, doesn’t that make me feel special?”

  “I don’t mean it like that. This,” he swayed his finger back and forth indicating both of them, “made me realize what I would be leaving behind when I go out of town.”

  Sara sat upright in the bed. “You haven’t put out the new book yet. We still have months before you go on tour again.”

  “I’m not going on tour, not for a while. But part of the contract for the movie will require me to spend some time out in Hollywood.”

  “How much time?”

  “At least two months.”

  “Two months?”

  “They want me there to help them pick the actors. I have to be there for the read-throughs and make any corrections to the script before they start filming.” Sara flung the sheets at Evan, grabbed her clothes, and stormed out of the bedroom. Evan collapsed on the bed. Him leaving town for two months was a huge blunder on his part, one that he knew he would be paying for later.

  Chapter 41-Sara

  Gone again. Evan was home for three months and then he left for Hollywood. Another sentence of two months, living at home in solitary confinement. Her only escape was work or the rare times Julie invited her out for bad behavior.

  The loneliness of the apartment crept in after a couple of weeks. She missed Evan, despite his habit of focusing solely on his writing. She was grateful for the money, it helped take care of the bills and got them nice things, but the one thing she wanted the most was Evan.

  To make matters worse, his schedule had him working crazy hours. There were times in the morning he would work, then off during the afternoon, but work again for most of the night. Other times he would be out on set all day. Part of Sara felt bad for Evan. He worked crazy hours all day just to help turn his book into a movie. But there was a feeling in her gut that told her something was off. Was he really working, or was he using it as an excuse to pal around with actors, actresses, and producers?

  Kat wouldn’t be able to help her. She wanted nothing to do with Audrey and kept her distance from her. The only way Kat would know anything is if Evan told her, and that wouldn’t be helpful if he was lying. If Sara expressed her feelings about it, Kat would tell her how much Evan loves her and cares about her.

  By the end of the third week, Sara had heard from Evan six times. With anger getting the better of her, she dialed Julie
hoping she would be a voice of reason.

  “What’s up girl?” Julie answered.

  “You got a minute?”

  “I’ve got all the time in the world for you.”

  “Do you think Evan would cheat on me?”

  “Whoa, where did that come from?”

  “Something’s been off about him since New Year’s and he’s been almost non-existent since he went off to Hollywood.”

  “He’s probably working his ass off. I’m sure he’s got a lot to do to help get that movie going.”

  “I know, but what if he’s out with other girls, or ditching me to meet with other actors or producers?”

  “Then let him. If he’s getting friendly with actors and producers, then that means more opportunities could open up in the future, which means more money for you both.”

  “I don’t care about the money.”

  “Girl, you’re lucky I’m not there to slap you upside your head. How can you not care about the money?”

  “Because I’d rather have Evan around than him being on the road somewhere making us money.”

  “Damn you must really love him.”

  “I do,” Sara admitted.

  “Then show him. You know he’s busy and can’t come to you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go to him.”

  “You’re saying I should go to California.”

  “You’re off on weekends. Take a trip and surprise him.”

  Sara expected Julie to be the voice of reason; she just didn’t expect the suggestion of a surprise trip. She thought about the look on Evan’s face when he saw her, and happy she would be to be back in his arms. It was all she needed to convince herself to go.

  “Alright, let me go. I have to book my flight and pack.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think you’ll need to pack that much.”

  Sara hung up and thought about getting to the hotel while Evan was still working. She would need to find a way to get the front desk to give her a key or let her into the room.