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#1 Fan Page 32

  Sara quickly grabbed her tablet and booked the earliest flight from New York to California. She confirmed her flight, which would depart early Friday night.

  There was a desire to surprise Evan with more than just her appearance. She wanted to stimulate him to bring out the passionate side he showed her the last night they had sex. She had one goal in mind, and knew just how to do it.

  Racing to the bottom drawer, she pulled out pieces of lingerie and displayed them on the bed. There was a green one piece that Sara thought at one point would look hot on her, but later realized there was nothing sexy about it. The black see through teddy was definitely going in her bag. The red lacy bra, matching booty shorts, and black five-inch heels would cause Evan’s jaw to drop. She wanted to bring one more item, but none of the remaining lingerie would give her the desired result. Out of the corner of her eyes, Sara saw a beige trench coat hanging up in the closet.

  “I think the all-natural look should work perfectly.”

  She placed it in her suitcase, along with the other items she wanted. If it were only those, she would have made it through security with an oversized purse.

  “Maybe I should bring some regular clothes, just in case Evan wants to introduce me.”

  Sara arranged to leave work early on Friday. Once twelve-thirty hit, she grabbed her jacket and rushed out the door, leaving nothing but the proverbial dust behind. She called the cab to meet her at the apartment, and was there by the time she showed up.

  “You going to JFK,” the cabbie asked.

  Sara popped the trunk of her car and pulled her suitcase from it. “Yeah. I have a three o’clock flight I need to make.”

  The cabbie helped her load the suitcase into the back of his car and held the door open for her. “Hop in and don’t worry; I’ll get you there on time.”

  They sped off trying to get to the Belt Parkway before traffic brought them to an inevitable standstill. “Shit, I’m gonna miss my flight.”

  “I promised you I’d get you there on time, and I’m a man that keeps his word.” The sincerity behind the man’s green eyes made Sara feel a little more confident, at least until he started weaving in and out of the three lanes. He sped onto the off ramp and followed it he reached the terminal. “See, I told you I’d get you here on time.”

  Sweat dripped down Sara’s terrified face as she clung to the back seat. “I’m just glad we made it in one piece.” She scrambled out of the car and quickly pulled her suitcase from the trunk. She tipped the cabbie, but barely reached the minimum.

  Racing inside, Sara knew the line for the security checkpoint was going to be long. It took a half hour to get within sight of the machines, another twenty to get close enough to place her suitcase on the conveyer belt. The closer she got, the more nervous she became. Would they physically check her bag, or would it just need to go through the machine? Thank god, I remembered to pack additional clothes. It would be utterly embarrassing to see the TSA agents look at the monitor and see only lingerie floating around in my carryon. She looked up at the body scanners. She thanked god again for remembering to wear her work clothes to the airport instead of changing into something sexy for Evan to find.

  The fear of someone finding out what she had in her bag, or why she was flying out to California subsided the moment she boarded the plane for her six and a half hour flight. She tried to sleep most of the way there. Thoughts of knocking on Evan’s door, catching him just before he went to sleep filtered through her head.

  She wanted to show up at Evan’s room wearing nothing but a pair of stilettos and the trench coat. Once he opened the door, she would flash him little by little until he ripped the coat off her. That was fantasy Sara. The real version didn’t know if she would have the guts to go through with it.

  “Maybe a drink might help you calm your nerves,” the woman next to her said.

  Shit, how did she know? Sara opened her eyes and realized her hands were gripping the armrest tightly. She must think I’m nervous about flying. “You might be right.” Sara flagged down the flight attendant and asked for a beer. Like the woman said, it might help calm her nerves.

  By the time the plane landed, it was well into the night. Evan was sure to be in his room, possibly in bed by the time she made it to the hotel. She checked her phone to see if he called or texted her while she was on the plane.

  “That’s weird.” Her phone lit up the time and apps on her home screen, but there was nothing else; no missed calls and no new text messages. She walked up to the front desk. “Hi, my name is Sara Taylor. My husband is in town staying here on business and I’m trying to surprise him for the weekend. Is there any way you could help me.”

  “I could ring his room for you if you’d like.”

  “That’s not exactly how I wanted to surprise him. Do you think you could give me a key to his room or let me into it?”

  “I’m sorry ma’am, but that’s against policy.”

  “Could you at least give me his room number? I mean, I can prove I’m his wife.”

  The man at the desk shook his head. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. As I said, I would be happy to ring his room for you.”

  Sara dug into her purse and pulled out a fifty-dollar bill. She had never bribed someone before and hoped it was enough to convince the man to help her. She held up the fifty, catching the man’s attention. Sliding it across the counter, she kept it between her fingers so the cameras wouldn’t pick up on it.

  The man placed his hand on top of her and slid it back, taking the money with him. He slid it into his pocket and began typing. “Your husband is in room five forty-six.” He printed out a keycard for the room and handed it to Sara. “Hope you enjoy your stay.”

  “Do you happen to have a bathroom I could use?”

  The man smiled and pointed down the hall. “Go past the elevators and make a right. If you need the bar, I suggest you take a left. They should be open for another couple of hours.

  “Thanks.” Sara was tempted to hit the bar first, but to be honest, the two beers and shot she took on the plane had her slightly buzzed. She followed the path to the elevators. This was it; now or never. She took a deep breath and rounded the corner. Inside the bathroom, Sara opened her suitcase and removed the trench coat and stilettos. She had never done something like this for another guy. To be walking around nude, was the most vulnerable thing she could do. Taking another deep breath, Sara stripped off her work clothes and then her underwear. Placing the stilettos on her feet, Sara stood in the mirror gazing at herself. As nervous as she was, something about it felt empowering.

  The trench coat was the final touch she needed before heading to the fifth floor. Thankfully it was a little late, so no one was walking through the hotel. Those that were awake were down at the bar slinging back shots, toasting to the weekend.

  The elevator dinged when it reached its destination, allowing Sara to walk onto the grey carpet with swirls of maroon mixed in. She counted off the rooms until she found room five forty-six. Key in hand, she inserted it into the door and silently opened it.

  She could hear voices coming from the bedroom. Thinking it was just the T.V., Sara crept towards the sound. She hoped Evan fell asleep watching it. Thoughts of climbing on the bed and riding him until he woke surfaced. She let out a low sigh, but heard a loud moan from the next room.

  Hoping Evan was just watching a porno, she inched forward and opened the bedroom door just enough to see Evan naked. He was kneeling in the bed behind a woman. Sara’s hand clenched tightly on the door. She wanted to throw it open, and run into the room screaming and shouting. She wanted to grab anything she could find and throw it at him or beat Evan with it. She opened the door a little more and could see the woman he was with. Sara’s heart sank into the pit of her stomach when she saw Audrey’s reflection in the mirror.

  All the fire inside urging her to attack was extinguished the moment she saw them together. Her hand covered her mouth as bile found a home at the base of her throat. She coul
dn’t stand the sight of him, of either of them. She had to get out. She had to leave before they saw her.

  Bolting from the room, she rushed to the elevator without noticing the men piled inside. Their smiles and side glances made her feel cheap. Here she was trying to give her husband a sexy surprise, only to be left heartbroken in an elevator with a bunch of crude men gawking at her.

  One of them took out a wad of money and said, “How much for us to see what’s underneath that coat baby?”

  As if her night wasn’t bad enough, the men were propositioning her as if she were a hooker that was there for their pleasure.

  “Fuck you, asshole.” Sara pushed her way through the opening elevator doors, wheeling her suitcase behind her. She could hear the men whistle and make more crude comments as she stormed out of the hotel.

  The man at the desk came around and yelled at the group to get lost. He helped her into the back office. “I’m guessing things didn’t go as planned.” Sara shook her head no. “Let me call you a cab. It’ll take you wherever you want to go.” He disappeared behind a wall. Sara could hear him on the phone with the cab company. He returned a minute later. “You can go into the office to change if you’d like. There are no cameras back there and I’m the only one manning the desk. The taxi will be here in fifteen minutes.”

  “Thank you.” Those were the only words she could mutter after suffering multiple indignities.

  Before she slipped behind the wall, the man took the fifty from his pocket and handed it to her.

  Chapter 42-Evan

  The door to the hotel room clicked shut, alerting Evan someone had been in the room. He pulled away from Audrey and jumped off the bed.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I thought I heard the door close.”

  “You probably heard the room next door.”

  Evan grabbed the robe from the bathroom and tied it around himself before exiting the bedroom. “Hello,” he asked as if he expected someone to answer. Seeing no one was there, he stuck his head into the hall and searched for anyone walking around. Hearing the sound of the elevator around the corner, Evan knew it was too late to catch it.

  “Everything okay,” Audrey shouted.

  Evan ducked back inside the room. “I don’t see anyone.”

  Audrey sauntered out of the bedroom. The glowing light from the lamps in the bedroom hid behind her naked body. “Why don’t you forget about the doors, and come back to bed.” Evan took a step forward, but saw Audrey walking towards him. “I have a better idea. We haven’t christened that couch or the table yet.”

  Evan pulled her closer and dropped the robe. He had maintained his hard-on, pressing it against Audrey’s stomach. “Where should we begin?”

  Audrey sat down, bringing her right leg up over the arm of the couch. Her left arm rested behind her head, while she used the other to call Evan to her.

  He dropped down and inserted himself into her. He grabbed her left ankle, holding it out to the side as he thrusted deeper. Each high pitched sigh made him want more from her, and she was willing to give Evan as much as he wanted.

  The feeling of someone being in the room still bothered Evan. A look over the shoulder every few minutes confirmed where his mind was.

  “What’s wrong,” Audrey asked as Evan slowed his pace.

  “Nothing. I just can’t shake the feeling that someone was here watching us.” He stopped and pulled out ripping the condom off.

  “There’s no one here.”

  “I mean before. I swear I heard that door close.”

  “You’re delusional. I think you’ve been working too much on set and need to take a break.”

  “I know what I heard.”

  “I really don’t want to argue with you over this. If you’re going to be like this all night, then I’m going to bed.”

  He had no desire to start a fight with Audrey, nor did he feel comfortable staying in a room that may or may not have been broken into. Seeing her enter the bedroom and throw the covers over her body, Evan threw on some clothes and went down to the bar on the first floor.

  It was a little more crowded than he was used to, but then again Friday nights were always busier bar nights. Maybe it was the group of guys huddled together that made it looked more packed than it usually did. It didn’t matter to Evan. After a couple of beers or a shot or two, he planned on going back to his room and sleeping off the odd night he was having.

  Evan stood next to the group of guys as he attempted to flag down the bartender. They were joking about their female co-workers that came into town with them and which ones they wanted to “bang.” It was disgusting to hear them talk about women as if they were a piece of meat, and taking bets on who was going to get lucky.

  “Yo, what about the chick in the elevator,” one of the men said. “I really wanted to see what she was hiding under that trench coat.”

  “Yeah man, I wanted those sexy long legs wrapped around my neck while going down on her,” another replied.

  “I mean she was gorgeous,” the third guy said. “I mean that chick could’ve been a supermodel with that banging body. Sucks for the shmuck on the fifth floor that sent her away.”

  “Maybe we should find her. Buy her a couple of drinks and make her feel better,” the first man replied.

  Evan wondered who they were talking about, but hearing the woman was on the fifth floor had him wondering if it was the same person who broke into his room.

  “Sorry to interrupt guys,” Evan chimed in. “This girl sounded hot. What did she look like?”

  The men leered at Evan, wondering if he were going to get in their way of getting laid. “Tall with long brown hair,” the second man said.

  Fearing the worst, Evan rambled off questions. “What color were her eyes? How tall was she? What was she wearing?”

  “Fuck if we know,” the first man spat. “All I know is she’s hot. She had legs for days, and I doubt she was wearing anything under that coat.”

  The growing fear that the woman the men were talking about could have been Sara was increasing with every word they spoke. It made sense. The woman was on the fifth floor, his floor. She was a tall model type looking woman with long brown hair. She looked like she was trying to surprise her guy. It was possible she was there.

  Needing confirmation, Evan grabbed his cell and called Sara. The phone rang several times before going to voicemail. “Fucking time zone difference,” that’s what he hoped it was. He tried her cell again only to get the same result. “She’s going to wake up in the morning and either call or text me.” He signaled the bartender for more drinks.

  Hours later, Evan stumbled away from the bar and made his way to the front desk. If the group of men were right and the woman left in a hurry, the desk clerk may have seen her or known where she was going.

  “Hey,” he mumbled. “Did you see a hot chick run outta here before.” His breath and body reeked of beer and shots of vodka.

  “I don’t recall seeing anyone.”

  Evan grabbed his phone and thumbed through the gallery until he found a clear picture of Sara. “Do you know if this woman stopped by looking for a Mr. Taylor?”

  The man at the desk turned his head, refusing to look at the picture. “Nope, can’t say that I have.”

  “You didn’t even look. Look at the picture,” he shouted.

  “Sir, I must ask you to calm down or I will have to call security and have you removed from the building.”

  Some reasoning still remained, as Evan lowered his voice. “I only want to know if she was here tonight.”

  The clerk looked at Evan with distain. “Nope, never seen her before in my life. She’s pretty though. I’d kick myself in the ass if I was the one to screw up that relationship.” It was a dig to Evan, which made him think Sara was there. He pulled up his text messages, found Sara’s name, and sent her one asking him to call him when she got the message.

  The next morning, Evan woke on the couch in the living room of his suite. Th
e top half dangled just above the floor, while his lower half was sprawled out over the top and arm of the couch.

  “Evan,” Audrey said soothingly. “Evan, wake up.” He could barely hear her utter his name, and didn’t want to move from the couch. She called his name again, this time shaking his body. No longer able to maintain his position on the couch, Evan fell to the floor at Audrey’s feet. “What the hell happened to you last night?”

  “I went down to the bar.”

  “I know you reek of booze. Come on; let’s get you in the shower and sober.”

  He felt Audrey grab his hand and help him to his feet. Stumbling to the bathroom, Evan pieced together the final moments of the night before.

  “I think I know who was in our room last night.”

  “You’re still going on about this? I thought we were done talking about it last night.”

  “We were until I talked to some guys down at the bar.” He proceeded to tell Audrey everything the group of men said about the girl in the elevator, and then about the desk clerk’s reaction when he showed him Sara’s picture.

  “That woman could’ve been anyone. The fact that she was on my floor doesn’t mean anything.”

  “And the clerk?”

  “He was probably grimacing after smelling your breath. Go brush your teeth, maybe do it twice.”

  There was a good chance he was overreacting, but Evan was sure the woman in the trench coat was his wife.



  The tear stains on the pillow cases remained as Sara lay with her eyes sealed shut. The images of her husband having sex with his publicist haunted her throughout the night. Her phone rang repeatedly, but she was in no mood to speak to anyone. Her life, her world was completely shattered. Why would she want to get up? She had nothing to go home to, no life and nothing to look forward to.

  The phone rang again, waking Sara. Reluctant to answer, she picked up her cell and saw Julie’s name lit up on the screen.