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#1 Fan Page 33

  “Hello,” she answered with a groggy tone.

  “You sound like shit. You okay?”

  “I’m not feeling well.”

  “I guess last night didn’t go so well?”

  “I don’t wanna talk about it.” The sadness in her voice overpowered the grogginess.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I’m fine.”

  “Oh hell no. You don’t get to use that I’m fine crap with me. Tell me what’s wrong or I’m jumping on the first plane to California and dragging it out of you.”

  “He cheated.”


  “Evan. He’s been cheating on me.”

  “Sara, that’s not funny.”

  “I’m not joking. I went to his hotel and got the guy at the front desk to give me a key. When I go up there, he was fucking his publicist.”

  “He’s messing around with that bitch? I hope you ripped them both a new one.”

  “I-I couldn’t. I don’t know why. I just couldn’t say or do anything. I just watched and left before either of them saw me.”

  “That little snake. I can’t believe he’d do this to you.” Julie was silent for a minute, which made Sara nervous.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Looking up flights. I’m coming down there to kick both their asses. I’ll beat the hell out of his little whore first and they we can turns kicking him in the balls.”

  “You’re not coming down here, and you’re not kicking either of their asses. And I definitely don’t want to go near his balls.”

  “You deserve revenge. He needs to pay for what he did.”

  “I just wanna go home.”

  “I can pick you up from the airport. We’ll go back to the apartment and burn all his shit.”

  “No, I just want to go home, my home. I just want to go back to how things were a year ago and forget I ever met him.”

  “How about you call me when you get home and I’ll help you move all your stuff into my place. You can stay here until you’re ready to get out on your own again.”

  “Yeah, maybe. I’ll let you know when I’m flying back.” Sara hung up the phone and found a text message from Evan waiting for her.

  E: Hey, is everything okay? Where are you?

  Sara tried to fight the urge to reply. If she did, she wouldn’t know what would come spewing out. If she didn’t send anything, he would know something was wrong and would make more of an attempt to talk to her.

  S: I’m home. Everything’s fine.

  E: Okay. You had me worried. I tried calling a few times and you didn’t pick up.

  S: I was out. Must not have heard the phone.

  E: Go anywhere fun?

  S: Nope, not really. Talk to you later.

  She needed the messages to stop. She needed to stop trying to be nice to him. Fuck him; he didn’t even deserve her fakeness. He was the one running around the country screwing another woman. He was supposed to be different from all the other men she dated. Placing the pillow over her face, catching the tears, she didn’t know who she was madder at, Evan or herself for falling in love. Pulling the covers over her head, Sara’s only desire was to end her misery.

  Chapter 43-Evan

  Evan read the lies in Sara’s text messages. He knew she wasn’t in New York, and thanks to the tracking in the phone, he knew she was staying at another hotel a few blocks from his.

  “Everything all right,” Mr. Davidson asked as he approached Evan’s chair. The curt smile made him seem more intrusive than any other day.

  “I’m fine; just mulling over a few things in my head.”

  “I hope it’s about the book you’re writing. If it’s anything like this last one, we’ll be making a lot of money together.” He patted Evan on the back as if they were friends.

  Money, that’s what it kept coming down to. The producers, agents, and publicists wanted it to maintain their power. Evan wanted it to prove he was worth more than what his parents felt he was worth. But the money got to his head and he did anything to keep it flowing in. He wanted to keep his name out there and sold his soul to do it.

  All the fame and fortune he had accumulated in such a short time was at risk. His whole life was about to be turned upside down, all because Sara decided to be a great wife and surprise him. He didn’t deserve her. She was too good for him. She sat at home patiently waiting for a life with him, and he was out screwing Audrey, a woman that meant nothing to him.

  She’s never going to speak to me again. I’ve lost the best thing that ever happened to me for this crap. Evan looked at the set. He loved seeing his book come to life. Seeing actors portray the characters he created was a dream come true, but it was a dream he was destined to live without Sara.

  Evan decided to leave the set early. The guilt of his actions and the pain of knowing Sara saw his indiscretion brought him to her hotel. He paid off the woman at the front desk to find out what room Sara was staying in and took the elevator to the third floor.

  He stood outside her hotel room for nearly an hour, contemplating what he should do. Evan knew he should just tell her everything. Maybe she would understand he was blackmailed into sleeping with Audrey, but that wouldn’t excuse him doing it repeatedly and enjoying it. He thought about denying it, but that would only make matters worse. Whatever he decided, he needed to plan it out before talking to Sara.

  He brought a hand up to her door, resting the palm against the wooden surface. “I know you won’t believe me,” he whispered. “But I love you, and will always love.”

  Evan walked back to his hotel, figuring the fresh air might do him some good. When he got back to the hotel, he went straight up to his room. He turned the corner from the elevator and saw Mr. Waters standing in front of his room. The door opened. Audrey stepped outside and glanced up and down the hall before pulling Waters into lip lock that was usually meant for him.

  The lightbulb went on in his head. Pulling out his cell, Evan sent a text to Sara, inviting her over to his hotel room to talk.



  The alert on Sara’s phone dinged, letting her know she received a new message. She was tempted to ignore it. After five minutes, she finally gave in and checked the text.

  E: Hey, I know you’re in town. Come to my hotel room now. I think we need to talk.

  Sara’s blood boiled at the thought of seeing Evan again. He had the audacity of inviting her to talk things out in the room he cheated on her in. He couldn’t just bring her to a park, or a restaurant, or even talk privately in a car.

  “Fine, he wants to talk; let’s do this.”

  Sara texted him back, telling him she was on her way. She wasn’t that far from his hotel and couldn’t see paying any more money to see him. Walking briskly back to Evan’s hotel, she plunged her hands into the pockets of the trench coat. Feeling the room key, she was reminded once again of what happened the last time she walked in unannounced.

  She took the elevator to the fifth floor and strutted with purpose towards Evan’s room. She didn’t care what he had to say or what excuse he was going to throw at her. She was going to tell him everything she needed before she left his lying, cheating ass behind.

  Standing outside the room, she decided to use the key and enter the room. The lights were off, but two silhouettes were in the bedroom. She could see one was on top of the other, grinding on the man underneath.

  That fucking asshole invited me over to watch them fuck again. The hate in Sara’s heart took over. Her eyes searched the room for something to throw at them. They locked onto a paring knife that was on the table next to the fruit basket. Taking it into her hand, she crept into the bedroom. The adrenaline was too much. Seeing her husband cheat on her repeatedly broke her. Her innocence was gone as her arm rose into the air, striking Audrey’s throat with the paring knife.

  Blood spewed from the wound, but that didn’t stop Sara. She struck again and again until Audrey’s
body collapsed onto the bed and was lifeless.

  “What the hell,” a man’s voice said. He moved towards the light, but Sara blocked him.

  “You cheating fucking bastard.” With one quick slice, she cut the man’s throat. His hand managed to click on the light. To Sara’s surprise, the man in the bed wasn’t Evan. It was his literary agent, Mr. Waters. “Shit, what the hell should I do?”

  She grabbed a sheet to put pressure on the wound, hoping to stop the bleeding. Her hand hovered over the phone, ready to call the police, the paramedics, whoever she had to call to get Waters the help he needed. Crimson stained the sheets as the eyes of her victims glazed over.

  The realization set in. Sara had murdered two people in cold blood. She was covered in their blood. She didn’t know what to do; who to call; what to say. The panic and shock had her rooted to the spot next to the bed.

  The click of the door sounded. Someone was coming and there was nowhere to hide.

  “Sara,” Evan shouted from the doorway. She watched him enter the bedroom. Tears streamed down her face as he surveyed the carnage. “Sara, what happened?” He took tissues and took the knife from her hands.

  “I thought it was you.”

  “Me? Why did you think…”

  “You were fucking her last night.”

  “I was downstairs at the bar last night. I wasn’t in my room. “

  “Don’t lie to me Evan.”

  “I’m not lying.” He pulled out the receipt from the bar and showed the tab paid well after she left.

  “Then why was she in your room.”

  “She’s been coming on to me for the last week. She even checked out of her room, claiming a mix-up and said she had nowhere to go. I’ve been letting her stay here, but I’ve been sleeping on the couch.” He brought her to the doorway where pillows and a blanket were rolled up in a ball.

  “I saw you last night. I saw both of you on the bed.”

  “I wasn’t here. She tried coming onto me again and I stormed out. When I opened the door, Waters was standing there.”

  “Then how’d you know I was in town?”

  “I heard some guys down at the bar talking about some hot chick. They described you to a tee. I rushed out of there to find you, but you were already gone. I showed your picture to the desk clerk and he looked at me like I was a piece of shit. After you ignored my calls and texts, I put two and two together and thought Audrey and Waters said or did something to set you off.” He looked back at the dead bodies of his former management team. “Now, do you mind telling me what happened?”

  Sara was confused. She could’ve sworn the man she saw last night was Evan, but the dim lighting could have played tricks on her. She told Evan what happened when she came to the room the night before, and what she walked in on.

  “What are we gonna do? I can’t go to jail.”

  “You let me worry about it. I’ll make a few calls, get you cleaned up, and no one will know you had anything to do with this.”

  Chapter 44-Evan

  He never expected things to go as far as they did. He knew Sara had a key to the room, but never thought his plan would go so horribly wrong. He expected her to catch Waters and Audrey messing around in the bed, which he would then use to convince Sara he never cheated. He didn’t know she would bring a knife and kill them.

  Evan stared at the murder weapon. Shit, it’s the knife Audrey and I used for the fruit every morning. His, Audrey’s and Sara’s prints were all over the handle. He wiped it clean with the tissues, desperately trying to remove all traces of evidence that could link either of them to the crime. He took the knife and placed it in Waters’ hand.

  “What the hell are you doing,” Sara asked.

  “Making it look like he did it.”

  “You can’t do that.”

  “Do you wanna take the blame for this?” Hearing no response, Evan nodded his head. “That’s what I thought.” He stepped around the pools of blood. “Just stay exactly where you are. Do not move until I tell you to.”

  Evan stepped into the living room area and grabbed his cell phone. “Kat, I need your help.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Something bad happened. Sara needs your help.” He glanced back inside the room. “We need your help.”

  “Okay, but you gotta tell me what happened first.”

  “I can’t do that over the phone. I just need…do you know any problem solvers?”

  “What do you mean? What happened?”

  “There are two bodies in my room.”

  “I’m on my way. Don’t touch anything until I get there.”

  “What about her?”

  “For now, just get her washed up and leave the clothes.”

  Evan didn’t know if he was doing the right thing by calling Kat, but she was the only one that could save Sara. He hoped the cameras didn’t catch anyone entering his room and prayed no one could identify them.

  He walked back into the bedroom. “Kat’s on her way.”

  “You told her? I’m dead. They’re going to lock me up. My life is over. I’ll never get to have kids.”

  Evan walked over to Sara. His hands braced her shoulders, stopping her panic attack. “You listen to me. Together, we’ll get you out of this. You’re not going to jail. You’re life isn’t over, and we’ll grow old making and raising babies together.”

  He was doing his best to keep Sara under control. He needed to keep her calm and make sure she didn’t freak out, which is nearly impossible when there were two dead bodies on the bed.

  “What am I gonna do,” she sobbed.

  “Take off your clothes and leave them on the floor.” She did as commanded and stepped out of jeans and t-shirt. “Follow me to the bathroom and let’s get you washed up.” Sara entered the bathroom as Evan ran the shower for her He watched her get in as the blood washed off her body. Evan stepped in behind her and wrapped her in his arms. He rested his head behind hers. “I love you, and will not let you go to jail over this crap.”

  She spun in his arms, letting the hot water hit her back. “I love you too,” she whispered as she placed her lips on his.

  Evan cradled her head against his chest. A devious smile crept across his face, knowing he got away with it. With no one to oppose his words, Sara was his.

  The End

  Thank you for reading #1 Fan. If you liked what you read here, please check out the links to my other books as well as my social media links.

  Other Titles by Andrew Hess

  Chamber of Souls

  Hall of the Forgotten

  The Phoenix Blade: Project Justice

  The Phoenix Blade: Awakening

  The Phoenix Blade: Pandemonium

  Campus Killer


  Trapped Inside


  Between the Coverz:

  Phoenix Entertainment and Development:



  Campus Killer

  September 1st; a day no one in New Paltz would soon forget. It was typically marked as the official end of summer; a party a local house on Oakwood threw as a way to kick off the new school year. Returning students anticipated the first Friday of the fall semester; while freshmen jumped at the opportunity to go.

  Mark Thompson eagerly sat in his new Civic down the block from the large white house; wearing his tight blue jeans, black tank top and a black button down that he kept unbuttoned. This was his night. He was debuting his new look while setting the trap to take the life of his first victim.

  Mark watched the cars driving slowly up to the house searching for nearby parking spots; their music blasting loudly through the rolled up windows as crowds of college students gathered in the front yard of the Oak
wood party house. There was one group in particular his eyes focused on which turned the corners of his mouth up.

  Mark clapped his hands excitedly. “She’s here.” He scrambled out of his car and hurried up the road; passing lines of parked cars until he stood in front of the large beat up looking white house with peeling white painted railings. The bass pumped loudly throughout the house; letting small bursts of music out every time the door opened.

  Mark approached the door; finding a six foot three inch monster standing in the doorway. His muscles bulged through his tight black t-shirt as he blocked the entrance.

  A smaller red headed man sat on the stool in front of him with a metal tin placed on his lap. “Money and ID,” the red headed man said sternly.

  “How much,” Mark replied while handing him his driver’s license; wondering if they would question his picture.

  “Ten bucks to get in. You get one red cup for the keg; you’ll find it in the backyard. We got dollar shots in the kitchen.” He checked the ID briefly; handed it back and collected the money before putting a blue band around Mark’s wrist.

  Mark nodded that he understood, but none of it mattered to him. He wasn’t there to drink like the rest of the fools. He had only one thing on his mind and knew it was only a matter of time before he found her.

  There were over forty people crammed inside the house; dancing to the deafening music with red cups in their hands. Mark scanned the crowd for his target; finding a group of women grinding on each other while a circle of men gawked at them like a lion stalking its prey.

  “Maybe this wasn’t the best idea,” he mumbled. Mark entered the kitchen; finding a table of students playing flip cup inside the kitchen. “This is a fucking waste of time.” The back door opened; letting Mark see the crowd gathered on the back porch. “She’s gotta come out here at some point.”

  Mark swiftly maneuvered his way through the kitchen; dodging the drunks as they nearly spilled their beer all over him. He slipped through the door; finding a rail thin girl being lifted upside down as she put the keg spout in her mouth; slurping down beer.